Etsy Is For Homemade Things
When your child does something that makes you question why you keep them around when you could just sell them instead.

It took you nine months to make them; mark your prices accordingly.
"Sweetie, Hold My Hand Please"
Children can be so stubborn, sometimes, especially when they refuse to hold your hand in a crowded place.

Instead of cooperating, they decide to make you drag them by their hand as they continue to put up a fight.
Sweet, Sweet Silence
If your child threatens to not speak to you, you are probably giddy inside and hoping that they will go through with it.

"Oh no, what will I ever do if you don't speak to me??"
"I Told You To Pick It Up"
When your child falls over the toy you told them to pick up, and you have to hold in your laughter.

Sometimes the universe has a way of teaching children lessons for you.
Mom Or Human Snack-Holder?
Even Beyonce knows the struggle of having to constantly carry around snacks and juice for your child.

You could be going to the local mall or sitting front row at a fashion show, and you still need to be ready with food.
Don't Make Eye Contact
"You thought I was going to fall asleep, didn't you? Well, guess again, mom."

Try to look anywhere else while you are escaping from the room. They see you when they're sleeping.
The Struggle To Get A Nice Picture
A child will make any face they can instead of smiling for a picture.

It is a very rare occasion that you get a nice picture of your child where they are sitting still and smiling.
Is That Candy?!
"Who, who, who has candy?" It's like how sharks can smell a drop of blood from miles away; kids can hear candy wrappers from miles away.

When you have candy, your children believe they also have rights to that candy.
Motherhood Makes You Tired
Having kids is like doing a boot camp workout five times a day.

You gave them life, and they take all your energy, it's a take-take relationship.
"Fine, Don't Eat, See What Happens"
Mom, "What do you want for lunch?" Child, "Peanut butter and jelly." Ten minutes later, "No I don't want that anymore."

Internally struggling to either find something they will eat or letting them starve.
"I Want To Sleep Like My Husband"
Sleeping like a baby is waking up every few hours and crying. Who would want that?

Instead, you should wish to sleep like your husband, who is sleeping through all the middle of the night changings and feedings.
The first time you hear your child say, mom, it is like a right of passage. You feel happy and grateful.

After a few years, you never want to hear someone say mom again.
When Will It End
"Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you want, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?"- Your child

Internally screaming at the top of your lungs hoping they will shut up, but you also love them so you can't make it stop.
"What Do You Mean They Don't Make Noise Anymore?"
Whoever invented toys with annoying sounds wanted parents to be constantly annoyed.

If they are young enough, you can easily fool them by taking the batteries out and pretend it broke on its own.
No Pictures Please
Finding discrete ways to take pictures of your kids is an art form.

You have to double-check that your phone is on silent and the flash is off so they won't ruin the picture.
Remember That One Time?
The struggle of trying to find something your children will eat is so difficult.

The one time they all agree on something they like is a victory that deserves celebration.
Here is a shoutout to the mothers that have twins. Two babies at once is a ton of work.

Also, when you have twins you are constantly getting asked the strangest and most personal question.
The Forgotten Coffee
Some people would call this a case of "mommy brain," others would call it sleep deprivation.

Coffee becomes vital to your daily survival until you become immune to caffeine.
A Crying Time Bomb
You have to be extremely careful not to disturb the sleeping baby or else they will wake up and start screaming after you spent what felt like forever trying to get them to sleep.

Handle with care and if all else fails, run.
"I'm On The Edge"
This applies not only to motherhood but to so many other aspects of life.

This can apply to being a mom, dealing with annoying coworkers, or being a student during finals week.
Bend Your Knee
Why is it that babies and toddlers refuse to let you put on their clothes with ease.

Why can't they just make your life a little easier? WHY?
When Someone Asks If You Drink
Having more than two children is a reason to have a drink every night.

A glass of wine or a glass of vodka, you pick your poison.
Please Get Off
Why take your kids to the playground when they prefer to use you as a jungle gym.

Forget expensive playsets that you spend hours setting up; your children will find a way to make your body a place to climb and jump off of.
There Was Room For Both Of Them
When your child decides to sleep in your room and instead of lying the normal way, they lie down horizontal to take up maximum space.

There could have been room for everyone, but they decided to be selfish and ruin your sleep.
2007 Called, It Wants It's Wardrobe Back
Not only are none of your clothes in style anymore, but your body has also changed since you gave birth, and you don't fit in any of your cute clothes.

It is a great excuse to go and buy a whole new wardrobe though.
When They Change Their Likes And Dislike On A Daily Basis
Kids can never be simple when it comes to eating. You try to give them food and all of a sudden they don't like it anymore.

The frustration is real when you are trying to find food that they like.
Why Is She Crying
It's so nice to see how creative your children can be, until they draw you in an insulting way.

What did her mom do to be drawn so angry?
"My First Full Shower In Years"
Taking an uninterrupted shower as a mom is a rare pleasantry when you have children.

The second you get into the shower, someone happens to have an issue that can't wait for even a few minutes.
"What's In Your Mouth?"
Besides showers, your children also feel the need to bother you when you are taking a moment to enjoy a snack.

It is never when you are having something healthy. It is only when you are eating chocolate or other junk food that you said they couldn't eat.
Being A Mom Is Great
If you pretend to be in a coma, wouldn't that be considered sleeping?

Parents never get enough sleep, so even faking a coma wouldn't help.
If you haven’t already been convinced, motherhood can really be a challenge. Between the kids yelling and crying and neverending busy days, school trips, and after-school activities, you (as a mother) may not even have a moment to sit down and read through these funny mom memes. The mom life can be overwhelming…to say the least and it can be hard to find some time for yourself. However, personal care is pretty important, and, believe it or not, these mom memes may be able to make motherhood just a little bit easier. Humor makes everything better and somehow manageable, so hopefully, you enjoyed this list of hilarious mom memes and are excited to bring them to your next PTA meeting or moms Saturday brunch.
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