1. How Did They Get Their License?
Don’t you just come across a driver and end up asking yourself how they got their license? Because if you got your driver’s license in an honest and noble way, you would know simple traffic and parking rules, right?

So how did this driver just end up parking on a painted lane despite knowing that they shouldn’t? Or he could just be that entitled. We are hoping they got reported and got a ticket.
2. We Just Want Our Space
For some people, the concept of “personal space” is such a difficult thing to wrap their heads around even when you have told them and warned them about their acts of invading your space. Especially in public spaces, it’s pretty hard to tell when or when someone is invading your space.

However, that’s what some tiny borders are for - just like seats on an airplane. Some men just really don’t know how to behave but luckily this woman was able to put him in place somehow.
3. That’s Not How It Works
Let us tell you something, Karen. When someone cannot drive you somewhere, that means that they can’t drive you to where you want to go. It doesn’t mean that they should send you money instead to make up for it.

And just because you think they can afford it, doesn’t mean that you can just demand it from them. That’s just not how it works.
4. Can’t You See The Lines?
We don’t know what’s wrong with these people who seem to not know how to park or maybe they really think that they just own the entire space. Maybe we could forgive a little mistake on parking but this really is just too much.

Just because the parking lot looked empty, it does not mean they could show such disrespect to other cars that may arrive. But then again, maybe this driver was too drunk to care.
5. Ungrateful Child
To this child’s mom who bought them AirPods, we are very sorry that you ended up having such an ungrateful child. We know it must have been a struggle for you to figure out what your child would have wanted but instead you got a message of hate from your child who wanted AirPods Pro instead of the AirPodsyou gave them.

We would gladly accept your gift if your child doesn’t want them.
6. No Birthdays For Her
We are not sure who she is but it looks like she’s supposed to be someone who’s got tons of followers on Instagram. And just when she thought that she got a good following count, she’d get gifts - in cash or in kind - for her birthday.

But we hope this girl learned after this that she’s not exactly entitled to receive anything from anyone.
7. Sue Uni For Giving Me Bad Grades
To most people, grades are everything - simply because there can be grade requirements when applying for higher studies or to get a great impression in job interviews.

That’s why when Umer Riaz got a grade he was not satisfied with after failing his freshman year and deferring some modules during his sophomore year, he decided to sue his university.
8. You Can’t Just Ask For Something This Expensive From A Stranger
A lot of people result in online selling to get by in their daily lives - such as selling phones online. However, when it’s time to upgrade your phone, you also want to sell your old one instead to lessen the money you actually have to save up by working to buy the new one.

But someone turns to asking strangers for phones just because they broke theirs and couldn’t afford a new one.
9. From Not Enough To Nothing
Holidays are the best time to have a good time. But there are times where we need to act on our best behavior and be civilized - flying is one of these times. It is hard enough to be crammed in a small place with hundreds of other people who just want peaceful and quiet flight. A couple was kicked off a plane for causing a scene, when other passengers started complaining about the couple smelling like alcohol and disturbing everyone surrounding them.

This couple was given £300 as compensation, but for some reason they felt entitled to get more. However, when they complained, the airline took the £300 away — and they ended up with nothing.
10. Nasty Lady
Getting your order wrong is one of the frustrating experiences - you asked for a seafood meal but got a steak, you wanted a Pizza but got a salad instead. Mistakes happen and some people understand that. Incidents like these can get fixed, so it's not worth making a scene for it. Unless you are a nasty lady, who feels entitled to perfection, like this lady in this cafe who was caught on her entitlement.

The Chef made a simple mistake - eggs over easy, instead of over hard - but the lady felt more entitled to throw her coffee at the grill chef’s face.
11. ‘H’ for Helicopter or park Here
To find a parking space in a street that is packed and a full parking lot can be a headache and a struggle, but that doesn't give anyone the right to block another one’s parking space - a disabled parking space, or worse, a helicopter landing pad.

No one is entitled to that, right? Wrong! This driver made it clear that they felt entitled to park right on a helicopter pad. If the car doesn't survive the landing, they can only blame themselves.
12. Only Take What You Can Eat
Sometimes customers get bad servers, and other times it’s the servers that get bad customers. These servers were doing their job, bringing the people their food, putting up with rude comments, clean up and end of the day. Sure, there are times that you get crappy servers but you don't need to be a crappy customer, like these customers here. Three guests filled up their plates at the buffet, but hardly ate any of it then left in a hurry soon after.

Look at those wasted food that could have been eaten by someone else and leave more work for the servers. Worst of all is that after leaving a mess they didn't even leave a tip!
13. Should have saved during those 4 years
The best part of anyone’s birthday is getting the love, attention, greetings and a gift or two that you don't usually get everyday - a day that you can claim for yourself. For whatever reason, this girl asked for donations so she can do anything she wants on her birthday.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong in having fun on your birthday - but to ask people to fund it, should be a little discreet.
14. I’ll Buy, But You Pay For My Gas
One way to make some cash is to sell things online. Sometimes you get stuff sold and earn some profit, the other times you sell the stuff cheaper than the amount you bought it for. Occasionally, people will give away things for free, it’s heartwarming to see someone else put to use some stuff other people no longer need.

But who would expect a customer asking gas money from the seller to get the product. This is what this customer tried to do, what can you say to that?
15. Bring Your Own Box
The anticipation to a delicious treat is one different kind of pleasure and is almost heaven once you take your first bite - but all that anticipation can turn to smoke and disappointment when you realize your treat has been taken by someone else. In offices around the globe, there are people who feel entitled to another person's food, but it’s never ok to take someone else’s lunch, food, things etc without permission.

It’s never ok to take something that is not yours, especially if they were really excited to eat it, like this picture.
16. The 3 P's Of Parking: Please Park Properly
It is very frustrating having to park and see that the other car is so close to you that you couldn’t get out of your car. However, in this case, we hope that the person who tweeted this got shamed in the replies for “thinking” that he was the one who parked properly when he was the one who clearly didn’t.

The lady who owned the car on the left was parked within the box, while he crossed the parking space line. It’s just wrong.
17. She Didn’t Ask - She Demanded
When traveling on long flights, you would want to get as comfortable as much as you can - sometimes, you would be willing to pay a little more for a seat by the window. The view from above can give off a different experience when flying. However, not everyone can be lucky enough to have the window seat, but apparently this doesn't stop some people from feeling entitled to one.

Like this mother who demanded that her child sit in the window seat. This can be a lesson for those self entitled people, if you go demand your entitlement you may never get anywhere, but if you use a different approach, you may get a different and better result.
18. Mind Where You Park
When you’re in a hurry, it's understandable that you want to get to your destination as fast as possible and reach your destination. But this reason is never an excuse to be rude and take up the space someone else would need - like the space of a disabled parking lot. This driver felt entitled to this parking space and some space of the disabled parking who needs it the most.

It’s not even funny that the driver went a little over the line. Even if the driver was in a rush, they should have been careful in their parking, if that car gets a scratch or something, they only have themselves to blame.
19. No More Reward For Him
When a pet goes missing, posting signs or online can be a great help and adding a reward is a great way to motivate people to join you in your search. Naturally, those who actually helped and found the missing item, pet or person are entitled to the rewards.

But this guy felt a little more entitled to the reward for just seeing a similar but random cat underneath a car.. this doesn't count. But thanks for participating. Better luck next time!
20. We’d Rather Take The Money
The only people I can think who would be interested in this offer are those who like to take selfies of themselves none-stop and post them online.

So.. you have the option of finding a photographer and pay them accordingly or be prepared for pictures of your events as a background for selfies of your photographer.
21. Did They Even Pay For Both Seats?
Yes, we understand that everyone deserves to nod off especially when they had a rough night before, and taking a nap in public is certainly acceptable. What’s unacceptable though is taking up someone else’s paid seat and dozing off to the world of dreams without even caring for the person who paid for the plane seat - just like this girl right here.

We hope she was asked to pay for the extra seat she took and that the person whose seat she took was bumped up to first class to compensate for her behavior.
22. She Didn’t See The Sign
Signs in natural settings were put up to serve as a reminder to citizens or tourists that they have to protect natural creations.

However, there really are just people who think that they are entitled and can get away with breaking the rules just to get their Instagram worthy picture with no care whatsoever if they were standing on prohibited grounds - or dunes for this matter. What a Karen.
23. They Should’ve Saved Up For Their Honeymoon
Weddings are never cheap, especially if you want a grand wedding - more so for the honeymoon. And reaching the amount needed to finance your dream honeymoon can make the event special - to receive contributions from friends and families even more special. But such dreams always start with your own pocket.

Saving for the wedding and honeymoon is a challenge; it’s hard work but worth it.
24. Getting It Backwards
When you’re being recommended for work, and the work requires you to work for them, pay them and allow you to use your photos for your publicity.

Are we clear? Yes, it's clear that whoever wrote this must be both high and drunk.
25. When Your Feet Has A Bum
It’s understandable that you want to get as comfortable as you can. But there is a time and a place for everything, and the subway is not the place to get overly comfortable. Most parts of your body have a designated place in a public transport; your hand to the rails, your feet on the floor and your ass on the seat.

Or you can mix it up, like putting your feet on the seat, since it has a bum.
26. Someone’s Car Is Gonna Get Towed
It’s understandable to be ignorant to our surroundings whenever we are in a rush. However, we should always be aware where we park our cars.

To follow instruction must have been a challenge for this driver, who probably felt entitled to park in a space that clearly says “No Parking”. The driver won't be laughing when the tow truck arrives.
27. Wake Me Up At The Last Station
In this picture we see a man, a bag and his bike, all of which took too much space inside the subway. Even if he had a tough day, it is not an excuse to feel entitled to take up the whole bench to yourself.

Unless you paid for the whole bench for yourself.
28. The Mat Should Say “Go Away”
Each household has their own rules to follow and this household is clear that they don't want the outside dirt to enter their home. But there is always this one guest, who feels entitled to be exempted to the rule.

For this guest, the main reason why the boots must stay on is because it should match the outfit or the guest must have onions for feet - I would keep my shoes on too.
29. This Woman Should Study Math
We all have a sweet tooth that craves for anything sweet. While most of us are willing to buy the sweets that we prefer, this woman takes it on a whole new level.

This Lady must have been craving for a cake and started eating it in the store, there is nothing wrong with that but the story doesn't end there.
30. Parking Gone Wrong
Parking is one of the problems for car owners, especially if there are some who don't know how to park properly. One look at this picture and we can already see that this driver adds to the problem of the lack of parking space.

We see the driver feeling entitled to park in the middle of parking lines taking up 4 parking spaces. I kinda feel bad for the car, because chances would be it would drive away filled with scratches or with paint. Or towed away.
31. Karma Hit Him Good
Running a business is fine and totally acceptable especially if what you’re doing has no bad intentions behind it. However, this man thought of stocking up necessary supplies that families would usually need at home from a place out of town to sell them for a much higher and unworthy price!

What he didn’t know was that while he was out and gone to hoard, families in their neighborhood already bought locally without having to pay for unbelievable prices! We guess Karma did its job on him.
32. We Hope He Didn’t Fart
The freezers in the poultry section of grocery stores were made to keep raw goods fresh and still good to buy. But it looks like this man here thought they were made for something else - something for him to sit on.

And we know how the butt area of our clothes is one of the most dirty parts of our body due to sitting anywhere we like. So would you still want to buy chicken from this freezer? We are just hoping that he didn’t fart too.
33. Shouldn’t They Know How To Shop For Vegetables By Now?
They say that wisdom comes with age. But apparently, that’s not the case in this photo. An elderly couple would go around ripping off bad lettuce leaves until they found the right one and putting back the others that they did not like.

And we know how more of you (who are younger than these two) can tell that they probably do not know how to shop despite their age.
34. Too Small To Take Up More Space
Some drivers really think that just because they own a bigger vehicle they’re entitled to take up all the parking space that they want. They’re making the people who made those lines seem useless in telling people how to park in that certain parking lot.

Their entitled self probably wished they were bigger to have taken up more space.
35. We Need A Refund
We love organic fruits because they are healthy and good for our body since they carry nutrients to our body. Farmers use pesticides to ensure that pests don’t manifest in their crops - but then again, not everything is perfect and some pests are immune to such.

It would be okay to just reuse infested crops as fertilizers perhaps? But some companies are just so greedy that they still sell infested crops and just cover them up with stickers! How unhealthy and we demand a refund!
36. She’s Probably Part Squirrel
When squirrels eat their nuts, we would totally understand if they made a mess because they were not trained to know nut-eating etiquette in public spaces - unlike this girl. Unless she’s actually a squirrel trapped inside a human’s body.

We are deeply sorry for the flight attendants who didn’t have a choice but to clean those up.
37. Judy Is Probably Karen’s Friend
One look at this picture and we are sure you can see what’s wrong with it. If not, then you have to practice on how to “throw your trash IN the trash can” just like Judy here. We really never encountered a saying that tells you to throw your trash ON them.

Unless Judy doesn’t know the difference between “in” and “on” - you know, basic English grammar. Too entitled perhaps?
38. Not How Bike Racks Work
Cycling is such a fun and healthy way to go around town or just to get to places you have to be. However, there are times that it would be too difficult and unsafe to leave your bike in fear of someone taking it especially when there is no bike rack available. Lucky for people in this building, it provided a bike rack for its cyclists.

Unlucky for people in this building, they have with them someone who is too entitled and likes to take up all the space leaving others with no choice on how to park their bikes.
39. Another Driver Who Probably Faked Their License
We know how difficult it is to find a parking space in some areas. And this driver here is probably one of the reasons why parking is so difficult to find these days.

Clearly those painted lines were meant to signal a driver how to park and only those who can’t really drive will know that that is not how you park your car.
40. Is She Blind?
We would understand visually disabled people if they were the ones sitting on the fragile plantings despite the presence of the sign just beside them because they just can’t see. And we probably could give this girl a free pass if she were blind.

But from the looks of it, since she’s holding a phone and tapping away, we don’t think that’s the case. She’s probably just too entitled.
41. Her Feet, Her Seat
There really are some people who just don’t get the concept of “public spaces” being for “public use”. Well normally, there wouldn’t be something wrong if she put her feet up on a chair as a footrest if only she did this at their home.

Doing such at a public space, such as a train, then that’s just feeling too entitled. Unless she paid for that seat. But we doubt it.
42. Don’t Block The Driveway!
Unless you want your car to actually be hit by other cars, then don’t block the driveway! Don’t be like this driver who just thought they owned the road and decided to park right there and then and block the road to refuse everyone else some access.

Well, if their car did get hit after this shot was taken, they only have themselves to blame.
43. Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me
While looking at this picture, Mike Wazowski’s voice started playing in our heads because it is true - whoever put that thing there should put it back where they got it.

It’s not easy to work in a grocery store and fix all those messed up aisles thanks to TONS of entitled customers. And plus, that’s meat that needs to be refrigerated or else it will go bad!
44. They Got No Sympathy
We know that waiters in restaurants are tasked to take and serve your order - no harm in that because that’s how it works. But when someone gets a heart attack in the restaurant there’s no one to do first aid, normally people who care for other people would drop everything and help the patient in need.

However, this couple got mad at a waiter who didn’t serve their food on time just because he went to help a patient experiencing a heart attack! Faith in humanity semi-restored!