When You Grow A Pumpkin Inside A Plastic Mold
Most people carve pumpkins around Halloween, but this person decided to skip the carving process and grow their pumpkin to look just like Frankenstein. Save yourself the time of carving and making a mess when you could just grow the pumpkin to look like the shape of something festive.
You can buy plastic molds of anything and grow the most unique pumpkins. Your house will be the talk of the town when Halloween rolls around this year because no one will be able to compete with your pumpkin display. People will be "oohing" and "ahh-ing" at your home all spooky season.
This Cat Possess The Power Of The Plasma Ball
This is the almighty cat who possesses the powers of laser paws. He can control everything with his lasers, so be careful not to get on his bad side. We knew the cats would start rising up and taking control of humans, but we didn't think it would be so soon.
Do you remember seeing these plasma balls at places like Hot Topic when we were teens? They looked like a cool addition to any room, but now we realize how tacky that would have been. It's a good thing our parents refused to buy them.
When You Swing A String Of Glow Sticks With Burning Steel Wool At The End
This looks like something you would see at a music festival, and while the lights are mesmerizing, and the sparks are slightly dangerous. This person randomly thought to tie a bunch of glow sticks to burning steel wool and swing it around his head for this outrageous photo.
It looks like he is opening a portal to a different dimension, and aliens are about to come through and real havoc on the planet. Sir, have you not seen The Avengers? You know, inviting aliens to the planet is a horrible idea and only causes damage.
A House Of Mirrors Is Almost Invisible
This is what happens when you put horizontal mirrors on a shack in the desert. It creates the illusion of an almost invisible house with a floating roof and floating wooden slats. This technique was used in the original Star Wars movie to make Luke's speeder look like it was hovering off the ground.
We can imagine that many birds have flown into this house because they couldn't see it. It must be tough to keep all of the mirrors shiny and new in a place where sand and dust are constantly blowing around. If the sun hits it just right, it might just start a small fire.
What Happens When A Frog Eats A Firefly
"Girl, you are glowing from within!" When a frog eats a few too many fireflies, they continue lighting up, and the glow is visible before they actually die. The frog said, "Just a light snack for me, please. I have to hop along shortly!" It needs to grow a thicker skin so people can't see right through it.
Nature is lit... literally. It looks like the frog is about to explode like in a cartoon. Maybe it's a spycam disguised as a frog that's meant to be inconspicuous from the human eye. Wouldn't this make it easier for predators to spot the frog and turn him into the prey?
When You Heat A Marble Over A Flame Then Immediately Drop It Into Cold Water
Marbles are already interesting without doing anything to them, but this person decided to take it to the next level. They heated a marble over a flame and then dropped it into cold water, and it looks like it was about to explode.
We don't recommend trying this at home because the marble can explode, which could be very dangerous. This person got lucky, and nothing terrible happened, but with our luck, it would explode, and we would lose an eye.
What Happens When Water Gets Really, Really Cold
We have seen a lot of cold places in our lives, but this is a new level of cold. The water doesn't even look like water anymore because it is so frozen, it's like it went into stealth mode. We are guessing that it froze so rapidly that it formed large crystals and created this geometric pattern.
It looks like you can walk across it because it is actually made of stone and not ice. Just looking at this picture makes us feel like our insides are freezing. Luckily, we don't live in a place where it gets this cold because we would never survive.
A Fully Polished Coconut
We didn't know we needed this image in our lives, but we are glad someone took the time to do this and post it on the internet. When you normally see a coconut, it is round and hairy, but someone took the time to polish one, and this is how it turned out.
At first, we thought this was a chocolate egg because no one is used to seeing coconuts like this. We also thought coconuts were round instead of egg-shaped. It is so shiny you can see yourself in it. Do you think it's easier to open now that it is smooth on the outside?
When Lightning Strikes Sand On The Beach
While walking down the beach after a storm, this person stumbled across an interesting sculpture created when lightning struck the beach. We knew lightning was attracted to water, but we didn't think it could strike sand and leave it petrified.
If you saw this, would you run in the other direction? It looks like the sand was actually some monster, and it started to come to life out of the ground. However, just as it was beginning to rise up, a hero froze it so that it wouldn't take over the world.
What Happens When 50 Mph Winds, Freezing Temperatures, And Lake Erie Hits Your House
Michigan is known for its freezing cold winters, and those who live by Lake Erie often get hit the hardest. When a winter storm hit this home on the edge of Lake Erie, the 50 mile per hour winds and freezing temperatures caused this house to become covered in a thick layer of ice.
We hope the owners of this house aren't trapped inside because the doors are probably frozen shut. We don't know how people live in places like this all year round. It seems like it would be really challenging to deal with winter storms like this every year.
A Waterfall's Mist Got Frozen Against The Cliff
It looks like Elsa was here because she froze the entire waterfall. It's like looking at a winter wonderland, and it should be displayed in an art museum. Who else is going to make this their screen saver so they can see it every time they open their computer?
This waterfall froze because the temperature dropped rapidly making it look as though time just came to a sudden halt. It reminds us of a scene in Narnia when they visit the white witch's realm.
When Wood Gets Burned With A High Voltage
When wood burns from high voltage, it looks like it is forming a tree. Was the tree electrocuted and the lightning created a mini tree? Or did someone purposely do this? If it's a person then we don't know how they safely used high voltage to carve wood.
It looks like a Chinese canvas drawing that is done in ink and has so many intricate details. It is unique, but we wish we had a video of how it was made because that seems very relaxing.
Cabbage Starts Blooming When You Leave It In The Fridge For Too Long
Like the ornamental cabbage you might have seen outside, this is what happens when a cabbage starts to bloom, and no one trims it. If they keep letting it grow, it will turn into a beautiful plant, and it might even grow some more cabbage.
It looks so much more interesting instead of looking like a cabbage you can find in the grocery store. Who really wants to look at cabbage, though? Most people don't even want to eat it. Cabbage is supposed to be eaten, but we prefer to use it as decoration.
A Classic Science Experiment To Show Diffusion Force Barriers
Who else remembers doing fun science experiments in middle school to learn about things that seemed complex? This little experiment demonstrates what happens when you put M&M's in a dish of water and watching it create diffusion force barriers.
We are surprised the barriers are straight, but it is a fantastic demonstration. While this isn't an accidental science experiment, it is a fun one that brings back so many grade school memories. We also did this with food dye, dish soap, and milk.
When You Drive Over Chalk Paint On A Hot Day
At first, we thought this was a splatter-painted purse until we took a closer look and saw that it was actually a colorful car tire. When you drive over sidewalk chalk on a hot day, this is what your tires will look like. It would be the perfect way to get your car ready for pride month.
We aren't exactly sure about the science behind this one, but it is almost as if the chalk was so hot that it transferred right off the ground and onto the tire. Based on the colors, we can imagine that this person drove over someone's beautiful rainbow.
When Lightning Strikes A Flagpole On A Golf Course
The last place you want to be during a lightning storm is in a pool or on a golf course. As you can see, the lightning strikes the course and spreads out through the ground, so anyone standing there would also get electrocuted.
There have been plenty of freak accidents when people were on the golf course and lightning strikes, and they get severely injured. With all the open space on golf courses, golfers are at a higher risk of being electrocuted when there is a storm.
When Fog Gets In The Way Of The Windmill
Usually, when you look at wind turbines, you can see them spinning, but you don't see air moving. On foggy days like this, you can see how powerful the turbines are and how much wind they create. You see their effects from the wakes they create in the fog.
These are things we would never think of, but someone thought to capture it on camera. Who knew they needed to see the wakes created by wind turbines? Now that we know, it gives a better perspective of how much energy they create.
When Nature Takes Over- This Boat On A River
We have heard of being one with nature, but we have never seen anyone let their home turn into nature. These people must have wanted their home to blend right in with the surroundings so no one can bother them, and they had the right idea.
Now the home is a floating garden that looks like the forest around it is floating down the river. We don't know how it became so overgrown, or the boat even started growing plants, but it is interesting what can happen if you leave a boat in one place for long enough.
When You Fail To Thin Out Your Carrots
When you plant carrots, you have to make sure that they are not all on top of each other, and the seeds are evenly spaced out. If not, you might end up with something like this tangled mess. These carrots grew intertwined with each other, and they look like a mandrake from Harry Potter.
They look like a family in its last embrace before a disaster. They must have huddled together in hopes that they wouldn't be pulled out of the ground to be chopped up in a salad. This must be how baby carrots are made; they chop up the messed-up ones into smaller pieces.
When The Triple Foam Breaks At The Car Wash
We love going to the car washes where you can sit in the car as it goes through. The pretty colors of the soap are so mesmerizing, and this is what they look like when the foam spills out of the hose. It's like a cotton candy dream and looks surprisingly yummy even though we know it's soap.
Who else has the urge to roll around in it and mix all the colors? This must be what unicorn throw-up looks like because they are so magical and only throw up rainbows. We wish our sickness looked as beautiful as this, but it sadly doesn't.
What It Looks Like When A Pipe Bursts On A Basketball Court
Although it is probably not sanitary, it looks like it would be fun to swim on this basketball court. After a pipe burst on the court, it was flooded with water, and it made the court look wonky, like it had waves.
This would probably destroy a basketball court, but it looks cool for the picture. It's really hard to tell how much water is there. Is it two feet or two inches? That's the interesting thing about water, you can't see the truth from a photo.
What Happens To Mesh Patio Furniture In An Ice Storm
Have you ever seen patio furniture that resembles a potato masher? All those holes make for an interesting effect when there is an ice storm. The weather was so cold that the water froze and created these chandelier-like columns of ice, and it looks magical from this angle.
Just imagine whacking the table and watching all of these fall to the ground. It would be a giant mess but so satisfying. This would be a cool design for an art installation where you walk through a ceiling dripping with ice crystals.
The Coffee Grounds Are Like A Bob Ross Painting
Usually, you can have someone read your tea leaves, but this person was able to see their future in the coffee grounds. It looks like a tiny Bob Ross painting at the bottom of their cup with happy little trees, and we wonder what this says about their future.
Unlike finding the grim at the bottom of your cup, they will probably have an adventurous future ahead of them with lots of hiking. Maybe they should take a trip to Alaska because that is what this scenery looks like, and then they could fulfill their destiny.
Proof That 8-Year-Olds' Hands Are Disgusting
We all know that children are crawling with germs, and this picture is proof. When an 8-year-old put their hand in a petri dish of agar, this is what grew. Look at how many types of bacteria were on this child's hand. We would not want to be near this kid until they thoroughly washed it.
How can they gather so much bacteria on one hand? Having good bacteria on your hands is normal, but this petri dish should be treated as a biohazard. Someone get this kid a bottle of purell and a hazmat suit because they need to learn some rules about cleanliness.
What Happens To Food In Antartica At -94°f/-70°c
Have you ever wondered what happens to eggs when you put them outside at -94 degrees Fahrenheit? Apparently, an omelet turns into a frozen sculpture that is strong enough to hold up the pan in mid-air. We knew that Antarctica was cold, but we didn't realize that it was that cold.
The scientist is currently working on one of Antarctica's most remote scientific bases, and when he is not busy conducting research he is testing to see what foods he can freeze in mid-air. He posts them to his Twitter account, and the results are quite impressive.
When You Left A Bowl Of Beet Juice On The Counter
We don't know about you, but this makes our skin crawl. After making beet juice, this person left a bowl of it on the counter overnight and came back to find that the top layer rippled. This is not something we would eat or drink, but it is an interesting science experiment.
There was created because of a type of yeast similar to the one used in kombucha. Don't stare at it for too long, or you might get just as uncomfortable as us. We don't know what they were planning to make, but we hope they are planning to get rid of whatever this is.
When You Leave A Bike Outside Too Long
There was a miniature garden sculpture opportunity missed here. When this person left their bike outside for too long, the tear in their seat started to grow moss like a mini forest they could sit on. When we leave our bikes outside for too long, they get stolen.
If they take a close-up shot of the seat, people might think it's a real forest. We wonder how much the rent prices are inside the tiny forest and how they compare to the city outside. Do they have to get a new bike seat now, or can they sit on the moss?
When Lightning Strikes Asphalt
We didn't know anything happened when lightning struck asphalt until now. It looks like a cluster of mushrooms covered in cement. You can really find anything on the internet these days. We would never have thought about what this looked like until someone posted it online.
You can really learn something new every day just by scrolling through photo galleries. We would be nervous to touch it because it is like something from another planet. Also, was the asphalt still wet? Because that would be annoying for whoever has to repave the spot.
When Candles Are Left On A Hot Patio
Don't blame the candle; it can happen to anyone. Recently, funny-shaped candlesticks have been a trend in home decor, so they should use this as a trendy decoration. It's almost as if Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast had a rough night of singing and dancing.
We know there are pills to fix this problem, but he must not be able to get a prescription. They should leave it like this and see what happens when they light it as a second experiment. Maybe it will perk back to life.
If You Put A Highlighter In A Microwave
Sometimes we think that people get so bored at home that they are willing to try anything even if it is dangerous to their health. Who would think to put a highlighter in a microwave just to see what happens? We would be too nervous about toxic fumes or breaking the microwave.
This person had no fears and decided to see what happens when you heat a highlighter. It actually turned out pretty cool. It's like one of those gender-reveal smoke bombs that give off pink or blue depending on the sex of the baby.
What Happens When Light Passes Through The Blinds And Hits My Trash Can
So this is how they make crop circles; it all makes sense now. When the sunlight passed through the blinds and bounced off of the trash can, it was reflected onto the ground in these mysterious rings. Is this the spot where the wifi has the strongest connection?
This might be the superhero signal for this person, and we don't know their identity yet because Marvel hasn't given away any spoilers just yet. Their name must be trashman or something related to garbage.
When Water Freezes On A Spinning Wheel
It must have been freezing outside for the water to instantly turn into ice as the wheels were still spinning. It looks like these wheels can be weapons to pop other people's tires if you get too close to them while driving.
Wherever this person lives, we want to stay far away from there because we don't do well with those extremely freezing temperatures. It would be much more aesthetically pleasing if the ice wasn't covered in dirt. Then it would be like a piece of art.
At Least They Have Enough Ice For A Party
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you take out the ice tray of a freezer with an automatic ice maker? Well, now you don't have to wonder because this is the result. The entire freezer filled with ice, and they have enough to make snow cones for weeks.
They won't have to run out to get extra ice for their next party because they have a year's supply of ice cubes. We know what to do if we ever want to create a freezer filled with ice. How did they manage to clean up all this ice?
When You Fall Asleep In A Bath
Have you ever stayed in the water for too long and noticed your fingers started to get pruney? Well, if you fall asleep in the bath, this is what your hands will end up looking like, and it is the creepiest thing we have ever seen. There must be a phobia for this because we have it.
![When You Fall Asleep In A Bath](https://posts-cdn.kueez.net/G3kM9UVTzSaPnXya/image-NHu2VQl6lQamJBGu.jpg)
This is what we imagine mermaid hands would look like if they were real because they live underwater. While it seems dangerous to fall asleep in the bath because you could easily drown, this is a less scary result of that accident.
They Tried To Take A Picture Of A Moving Airplane Propeller
When this person tried to capture the airplane propeller's movement with a rolling shutter effect, they created this unique image. It looks like a new species of shark that we wouldn't want to encounter in the water, but it is a cool photo.
If you record strings on a guitar being strummed, you can see a similar distortion on the camera. We wonder what else they could do with different camera effects and lens speeds because the propeller moves so quickly. There are so many ways to make photos more artistic with a good camera.
When You Forget The Spring Roll On Your Desk For Four Days
When you go away for a few days and come back to your office to find the food you forgot is now sprouting. They forgot about their spring roll, and the bean sprouts inside started to sprout through the rice paper. We wonder what would happen if they let it sit there even longer.
They could start conducting an experiment and see if it will create plants. Each week, the office can gather around to see the sprouts' progress and how the food continues to decay. Maybe they can get access to a microscope and see what is going on with that mold.
When You Don't Pick A Head Of Lettuce
While most people pick their heads of lettuce before they start sprouting upwards, this person let theirs continue to grow, and now they have a tall lettuce plant with even more edible leaves. When it grows up into the clouds, they can climb it and find a golden goose egg.
We always thought "Jack and the Beanstalk" was a fairytale, but this proves that it actually could have happened. We don't know if there are giants in the clouds, but they could find out once this grows. Maybe that's why there is thunder; the giants are bowling, and the thunder is when they knock down these cabbage pins.
When You Open A Dollar Bill In Photoshop
If you open a dollar bill in Photoshop, a message will appear that the application does not support editing banknote images. Interestingly, it can recognize the picture you are opening and make sure you are not conducting illegal activity with their program.
High-end printers and copiers will also give you a warning message if you try to copy banknotes. We wonder if this applies to every currency or just US dollars. If they allowed people to edit bills, anyone could make them counterfeit, and it would be just like the show Good Girls.
When You Try To Freeze Dry Gummy Worms
Before, we saw unicorn vomit, and now we know what comes out of their other end. We never thought to freeze-dry gummy worms, but when you have too much time on your hands then this is the product of that pure boredom. If you wanted to get some crunch in your sour candy, this is the way to go.
It is interesting that they grew in size and became puffy like cheese puffs. We wish we had a freeze-dryer to know what they taste like and if they just melt in your mouth. The dollar must be there for size comparison, but we would like to see what they look like next to a regular gummy worm.
When You Take A Picture On An iPhone At The Same Time A Flash Goes Off On Another Camera
When you take a picture while someone is also taking a picture with flash, your photo will look like this. This happens because an iPhone takes a picture one little piece at a time at a rapid rate, and when the flash went off in the middle of the rolling shutter.
We had never heard of a rolling shutter before seeing these photos, and there are so many interesting features on cameras that we never knew about. Although the effect ruined the picture, it is still cool that the like was entirely straight to separate the light and dark parts.