1. The Beginning Of A Fairytale Romance
When Lindsay and Syman Hays met, their relationship started off very different than most. Syman was from Australia, while Lindsay lived in New Jersey. They initially met in New York City while Syman was visiting, but their official first date was like something out of a rom-com.
Instead of the typical dinner date, the pair met up in Paris and traveled around Europe for two weeks. Most first dates are at a local bar or restaurant, but their motto has always been, "Why the h**l not?" However, this was just the beginning of their fairytale journey.
2. The Most Interesting First Date
The couple bounced around between different European countries and attended Tomorrowland while they learned new things about each other each day. Maybe you think you know a thing or two about dating, but traveling around Europe for a first date is the kind of romance everyone needs in their life.
After their whirlwind vacation, Lindsay returned to New Jersey while Syman went back to Australia. Although they were on opposite sides of the world, that didn't stop him from visiting America, and she was planning a big trip to Australia.
3. Giving Long-Distance Relationships A New Meaning
While many people consider different cities or different states long-distance, Lindsay and Syman took that term to the next level. Although Syman was able to visit the States more often, Lindsay wanted to see where he was from and meet his family.
It took three months of planning, but Lindsay was finally making the trip to Syman's home down under. She was so excited to spend New Year's Eve with him, and the trip would prove to be the most special one of her entire life.
4. She Said Yes
Lindsay's trip to Australia was filled with many firsts for the couple as she finally met his family and saw where Syman grew up. It was also a huge milestone in their relationship because Syman decided to pop the question on New Years Day 2015.
Initially, he planned to propose the night before as they watched the fireworks, but something went wrong, and he had to change his plans. Syman's second proposal attempt went off without a hitch, and Lindsay obviously said yes.
5. The Beginning Of A New Chapter
Lindsay and Syman decided to have a small beach wedding, and the event was simple yet romantic. When they met, everyone knew they would be together forever because their relationship was like nothing people had ever seen before.
Everyone who met the couple could instantly feel the love they shared for one another. Their wedding was just the first chapter of what was to come, and they were in for a big surprise shortly after they said, "I do."
6. Pregnant With Baby #1
Lindsay always wanted to be a mother, so she was over the moon when she got pregnant with their first child. Each day she excitedly watched as her bump continued to grow, and the couple was thrilled to find out that it was a boy.
Although her pregnancy wasn't perfect, she stayed positive throughout the entire experience. She shared updates every step of the way, and her friends and family couldn't wait to meet the first addition to the Hays family.
7. Welcoming Carson Into The World
Lindsay and Syman were beyond excited to bring their son Carson home and start their lives as parents. Bringing home your first child is a magical, yet scary experience. You can read all the books, but you are never fully prepared for what is to come.
Lindsay and Syman took everything day by day, and they were always learning and adapting to life with a newborn. Although it was challenging, they loved every second of watching their son grow and learn new things.
8. Something Was Missing From Their Family
Like any new parents, Lindsay and Syman were loving life with their perfect little baby Carson, but they felt something was missing. Lindsay grew up with siblings, so she dreamed of having a big family, and Syman felt the same way.
Since they were both on the same page about expanding their family, the Hays' were excited to start trying. However, they would soon find out that things would not be so simple, and the process would take much longer than expected.
9. Big Changes On Every Level
When Lindsay and Syman started trying, they got pregnant pretty quickly, but their worst fears came true; they had a miscarriage. They decided to go to a fertility specialist, and they got the news that no one wants to hear. Lindsay was told she had poor egg quality, and conceiving naturally would be nearly impossible.
Despite this horrible news, the Hays' decided to keep trying. It was also around this time that Lindsay decided to leave her job as a teacher to become a stay at home mom. She wanted to focus on her family and spending time with her growing son.
10. Trying To Make The Impossible Happen
After she was told that it would be impossible to get pregnant naturally, Lindsay felt defeated. She wanted to have a big family more than anything, and it felt like her dreams were being ripped away. However, with support from Syman, they decided to keep trying.

While they were trying, Lindsay suffered from five miscarriages. It took an extreme toll on her mental health, and the couple tried to stay positive for their son. Despite the pain and loss, a miracle was just around the corner for the Hays family.
11. Finally Their Prayers Were Answered
Although the couple was told they wouldn't be able to have more children naturally, they kept trying, and their prayers were answered in a huge way. In early 2019, Lindsay became pregnant with not just one, but four babies! They could not have been more excited and nervous when they found out.
Quadruplets were going to be a lot of work, but they were just happy to be pregnant. Lindsay was also nervous about carrying quadruplets because she was a tiny woman, but she got her wish of having a large family. It would be a tough pregnancy, but the Hays' were ready to take on this challenge - and it wouldn't come without some complications.
12. They Couldn't Believe The News
Although the couple had been preparing for an addition to their family, they never expected to have quadruplets. Can you imagine what it would be like to find out you are carrying four babies instead of one? We would be beyond nervous.
With four babies on the way, they had to consider many things, but nothing was as important as the babies and Lindsay's health. She also decided to document her pregnancy on Youtube because it was such a unique experience to have quadruplets.
13. Lindsay Always Hoped For A Girl
When the Hays began trying, Lindsay hoped she would have a girl because they already had a boy. When they found out the babies' genders, Lindsay was ecstatic to hear that she was having at least one girl. She was also happy that Carson would have three more brothers.
They had a gender reveal party for their family, and as soon as they saw pink confetti fall out of the balloon, everyone stood up and cheered. They felt beyond blessed to have this experience, even if it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.
14. Complications With The Quadruplets
Just as they thought everything was going smoothly, Lindsay's pregnancy hit a bump. When she went in for her 20-week anatomy scan, the doctors noticed some issues with her cervix. She had to get a minor procedure to assure the babies would be safe.
The procedure would also ensure that the baby's sacs had enough room for them to continue to grow. Although it was scary, the operation went well, and Lindsay and the babies were healthy. After experiencing so much loss, she would do anything to make sure her quadruplets were carried to full term.
15. Her Bump Was Growing Larger By The Day
Lindsay has always been a petite woman, so growing four babies was a lot for her body. Early on in her pregnancy, she was showing more than other women at the same stage. On her Instagram, she shared "Bumpdate" updates to talk about symptoms and life updates.
People couldn't believe how big her bump was getting because she had such a tiny frame. Lindsay was doing great, besides the lack of sleep, and she was learning to love all the changes her body was going through. Although she was nearing the halfway point, she was still nervous.
16. Celebrating Lindsay's Strength
Around the 22 week mark, Lindsay's friends and family threw her a baby show to celebrate the four little lives she was growing. Although it was challenging for her to get out of bed, she felt so much love and support from her loved ones.
In an Instagram post, Lindsay said, "Pregnancy is such a blessing, but if I’m being honest, my history of loss has tarnished a lot of the innocent joy I felt while carrying my son. It’s made this pregnancy scary and terrifying and that much more precious and wonderful all at the same time." It really shows how incredible the female body is, and how strong women are.
17. Everyone Was Excited To Meet The Newest Additions
As Lindsay approached her third trimester, her family started counting down the days until the babies arrived. Carson couldn't wait to become a big brother, and it was the last few weeks they would be a family of three.
Lindsay felt bad that she couldn't be as active with Carson in her last few months of pregnancy, but she physically couldn't keep up with him. It must be hard to explain to a toddler why you can't run around and do all their favorite things, but she did her best.
18. The Big Day Was Almost Here
When she reached her third trimester, Lindsay felt a bit of relief because the babies were healthy enough to be brought into the world. Around the 27-week mark, she went to the hospital, but everything turned out to be normal.
Lindsay started to have contractions, which made her excited and nervous at the same time. She knew it wouldn't be long before the babies arrived, and she had to stay in the hospital for observations. Were the babies ready to come out? She would soon find out!
19. Carson Was Ready To Be A Big Brother
Carson was so excited to be a big brother, but it would be a huge adjustment. He was so used to being the only child, and now his parents' attention would be split between him and four other babies. It is always hard for the oldest to prepare for new siblings.
While Lindsay was in the hospital, it was challenging for her and Syman to explain why he couldn't see his mom. Although there was so much excitement, they wanted to make sure Carson felt just as loved throughout the process.
20. Welcoming Four Healthy Babies
It was finally time for the babies to come into the world. On July 23, 2019, Lindsay welcomed four healthy babies via C-section. She said that hearing their cries for the first time made every pain and struggle worth it.
Since the babies were still little, they had to stay in the hospital to finish developing. The Hays were so in love with the newest additions, and they were grateful that everyone was healthy. However, it would be a while before the babies could come home.
21. It Wasn't Easy, But She Did It
Just because the babies had arrived, didn't mean the fight was over. They had to stay in the NICU for a while because they were premature. Besides the babies, Lindsay was also struggling with her recovery from the C-section.
Lindsay had an infection following the surgery, and it continued to get worse. She had to go back to the hospital so they could treat it before it got worse, and she said it was traumatizing. Although this was painful, she was more concerned about having her babies home.
22. They Couldn't Come Home Right Away
Because the babies were premature, they needed to stay in the hospital for a while. In the beginning, they all needed help breathing and getting nutrients, but as time went on, they were slowly removed from all the machines.
After almost two months, they were finally healthy enough to go home. The babies were the tenth set of quadruplets from this hospital, and their family was ready to have them home, safe and sound. Things were about to get crazy in the Hays house.
23. Let The Madness Begin
As they brought their babies home, they had a mix of emotions. They were happy to have their family under one roof finally, but they had to prepare for how difficult it would be to take care of four babies. It would be a lot of sleepless nights, but so many new memories.
One of the most challenging things was getting them in and out of the car when Syman wasn't home. It was a learning experience for Lindsay, and she compared it to an Olympic sport. Everyone needed a long nap, but things were going great.
24. Four Babies Is Quite A Handful
We don't know about you, but it's hard to imagine what a house with four newborn babies must be like. There must be lots of crying, dirty diapers, and sleep-deprived parents, but the house is filled to the brim with love.
Lindsay said it was difficult to get used to this new crazy life, but after everything she went through to have these four babies, it was well worth it. In just a few weeks, they got into a routine, and this new life was starting to feel more normal.
25. "In And Out Day"
When the babies were 30 weeks old, Lindsay posted a picture titled "In and Out Day." The first picture was right before her delivery, and the second photo was her with her hands full. It didn't take long before this picture went viral.
Although she had new rolls, marks, and extra skin, it came with new strength. Her pregnancy was anything but easy, and it was all worth it to have these four gorgeous and thriving babies. Nothing could compare to how she felt as a mom of five.
26. Motherhood Isn't Always Easy
Although Lindsay posts many pictures on Instagram of her sweet babies in their best moments, she admits those are just the highlights. It's not easy to handle four crying babies and change four diapers at once, but she does her best.
In one of her posts, Lindsay said, "Sometimes I feel like superwoman. Other times I'm totally winging it." Things may look easy online, but you never know the whole story unless you live in someone's shoes and go through their experiences.
27. Proud Dad Lends A Helping Hand
Throughout the entire pregnancy, birth, recovery, and onwards, Syman has been by Lindsay's side through it all. He calmed her during every anxiety attack, held her hand at all the doctor's appointments, and stood by her side during the C-section.
Although Syman is at work during the day, he takes over when he gets home. He is Lindsay's partner for life, and he is always there to help whenever she needs it. There is no doubt that he is an amazing father of five.
28. What Motherhood Really Looks Like
If anyone thinks motherhood looks just like what they see on Instagram, they would be mistaken. Lindsay shared this photo with her followers to remind them that motherhood isn't perfect. When her babies were in the hospital, she would drive an hour both ways to see them.
Being a mom is hard work, and it comes with many ups and downs. There are good days and bad days, but Lindsay wouldn't trade it for anything because she loves being a mother to Carson and the quadruplets.
29. Big Brother Helping With The Babies
When it comes to helping out with the babies, Carson is the best big brother. Lindsay and Syman thought it would be a harder adjustment for him, but from the day the quadruplets were born, he wanted to help however he could.
They also thought it would be hard to spend alone time with him now that there are four babies around, but it was a lot easier. Carson is doing such a great job with his little siblings, and his parents couldn't have asked for a better son.
30. Their Lives Were Flipped Upside Down
While they love being parents of five children, it was definitely not their original plan. Although they wouldn't change anything, it has still been a huge adjustment. Their lives were flipped upside down when they found out they would have quadruplets, and it has been a wild ride since.
We couldn't imagine going from a family of three to seven overnight, but they managed and adapted to every challenge that has been thrown their way. It hasn't been an easy journey, but they are so grateful for their family.
31. One Big Happy Family
With each comes new milestones in the baby's lives. They are growing more each day, and Lindsay and Syman love seeing how different they are from each other. Their little personalities shine through more and more as they grow.
The Hays love dressing their children in matching outfits, and Carson also gets in on the fun. This is the cutest family Christmas photo we have ever seen with the sleepy babies. Doesn't it melt your heart?
32. Quadruple The Babies, Quadruple The Craziness
Quadruplets mean four times the crying, four times more diapers, four more mouths to feed, but four times more love. Although they are a lot of work, it is worth it for these beautiful faces.
Caiden, Madison, Lucas, and Grayson fought so hard to be in the world, and they make each day brighter at the Hays house. Their little laughs, smiles, and noises make their parents beam with joy and happiness.
33. Getting Bigger, But Still Adorable
It is crazy how quickly babies grow up, and the quadruplets are growing fast. You can now see the difference between each baby because they are not identical. It is like they are getting bigger by the moment.
In July, the quadruplets celebrated their first birthday, and their parents reflected on how crazy of a year it has been. From their delivery to spending over a month in the NICU to finally coming home, these babies are tiny fighters.
34. Loving Life As A Mom Of Five
While it is hard to find time to relax and get some peace and quiet, Lindsay and Syman are happy to have a busy household. Life would be boring without their five children, and they wouldn't trade a second of it for anything.
Lindsay took time to reflect on how crazy life has been and said she is on auto-pilot most of the time. She loves being a mom, but that doesn't mean it is easy. Sometimes you have to do something for yourself, even if it is hiding in a closet, so you don't have to share snacks.
35. They Needed More Space
One of the biggest changes in the Hays' lives was their move. Syman moved continents with only a duffle bag to be with Lindsay, so when he said he wanted to move to the beach, she was on board to make him feel more at home.
In her post, Lindsay said they downsized homes, which is a bit crazy with five children. However, they were so excited, and it felt right for them. It might not be the best move in everyone's minds, but it was the best choice for their family.
36. Celebrating Milestones
As the babies are growing, they reached many milestones like their christening. This was an important day for the Hays family, so Lindsay shared some photos. All the babies look adorable, and that is one beautiful family.
It was a huge moment for Lindsay because the last time she was in that church was when she was 16 weeks pregnant, and she was so nervous that she would miscarry again. So what's next for this big family?
37. Ready For Their Next Adventure
As their lives continue to change each and every day, Lindsay, Syman, Carson, Caiden, Madison, Lucas, and Grayson take each day with stride. The babies continue to grow more and more, and they are loving life in their new town.
They recently went on their first family trip, and they are making new memories all the time. You can find updates on Lindsay's Instagram, where she regularly posts the most adorable photos of her five miracles.