What a Cute Couple
We must admit that it’s a cute couple. And yeah the human couple looks somewhat OKAY as well.
The amorous couple behind these humans doesn’t care about cameras and that’s why we love them.
This Photo Is Dedicated to Helpful Grandmas
It looks pretty evident that the grandma in this photo is really supportive. That explains why her grandson isn’t shy to flex in front of her.
Maybe his grandma is giving him some “pro tips” on how to flex.
Just a Regular Family Fishing Day
To be honest, we cannot blame the kid in this photo. When nature calls, you got to do what needs to be done.
When you are on a small boat and there’s nowhere to go, you have to pee in the open.
And That Sweetie, Is How How Babies Are Made
She went to see giraffes and absolutely loved them. Instead of just capturing the photo of their daughter, the parent became a wildlife photographer.
Maybe it was her parents’ way of showing her how babies are made.
In the Wrong Place at the Right Time
It may look like a simple photo at first, but if you look closely, the man in the back seems like a tiny person riding the woman.
Just to complete this photo, all he needed was a cowboy hat. Yee-haw...
They Said Golfing Would Be Relaxing
Okay, so we are not sure what to say here. Did he hit the ball so hard that it unbalanced the golf cart?
Or if scenario one is not true then where the ball is and what is he trying to do here?
Apparently Only One Person in the Family Could Dress up
We must admit that it is a rather cute photo than an embarrassing one.
The dad is so proud of his dapper son that he failed to notice his reflection in the mirror.
Cute Pregnancy Photo Turned All Wrong
This beautiful pregnant lady just wanted a good photo before the delivery. What could go wrong, right?
Well, the dog behind her had other plans and he perfectly executed them.
Someone Feels Slightly Betrayed
At first, this was just a wholesome photo. This young guy wanted to take a picture with one of his favorite Disney characters and decided to pose with Woody. No big deal, right? Well, apparently, it was. Did you notice the creeping Elmo? He's not so happy about the photo and must be a bit jealous. Although it is pretty hilarious, you can't deny that. Sorry, Elmo, maybe next time.
Poor Elmo looks betrayed and shocked he wasn't asked for a photo, but he'll get over it soon enough. Let Woody have his time to shine in the spotlight.
Once You See It, You Can't Unsee It
After looking at this photo, we couldn’t think of anything else except for the movie The Shining.
Apparently, the original poster of this photo had this on their refrigerator for years before they realized there was something wrong with the photo.
Dad Trolling At Its Best
This super cool dad wanted to join the party as well and so he came up with a perfect pose.
We are sure this girl will try to avoid her extra-embarrassing and totally hilarious dad by being extra careful in the future while taking photos.
Well, That Was a Nice Try
We must give him some marks for trying but then we should take away those given marks for carelessness.
The bills are not the same size and this just goes to prove that internet persona is mostly a fantasy.
A Flawless Moon Shot
When you are taking a photo of a cute girl such as this one, it is best to check the background in advance.
Once the photo was taken, we don’t know why it was uploaded. Perhaps, the photographer wanted to show the world his/her photography skills.
Fighting Crime Together
This group of friends dressed up as The Power Rangers for Halloween and wanted to get a cool picture together. So that's exactly what they did. Only they didn't notice until they got home that some special guests were in their photo. Did you catch it? Well, apparently, some policemen standing nearby thought it was a good idea to photobomb, and no one noticed! What a powerful squad ready to fight crime.
This photo is hilarious, and having police officers, of all people, photo bomb is exceptionally fitting and adds to the whole superhero element.
This Wholesome Photo Quickly Turned Sinister
We are certain this photo gave some moviemaker an idea about his/her next horror movie.
It looked like a harmless photo at first, but it gets creepier if you keep on staring at it.
When Your Hands Get Cold, There's Only One Place to Put Them
Before you start judging the hand-warmer in this photo, just do consider the fact that it was extremely cold outside.
It was freezing at that time and the hand-warmer had to improvise.
Cats Just Have to Get Into Everything
This picture is one of the many examples of why you shouldn’t take a photo in the bathroom.
There is always something embarrassing in the bathroom. In this case, it seems like there is a cat that is drunk.
The Cutest Photo Bomb
Okay, we must admit that this is a really cute photo bomb and we fully approve it.

The doggo must be tired of these two girls taking selfies all the time and decided to do something about it.
A Special Day Featuring a Special Guest
What a sweet moment captured on film. This couple went on a nice date to the zoo, their favorite place. That's when this guy decided it was time, so he waited for the perfect moment and then popped the question. It couldn't be more perfect until, wait, what was that? Oh, just a hippo who wanted to join in on the special moment! That hippo looks like it is silently judging them and not amused at all.
This is definitely a proposal you could never forget. The hippo looks like it's thinking, "I remember when my dear husband proposed to me..."
Well That's an Easy Way to Give Yourself Away
New smartphones aren't cheap, no matter the brand. Apple iPhones are some of the most expensive, sadly. When you buy electronics secondhand, there's always a risk the ad isn't thoughtful. Here, we see it's more than a risk: It's a guarantee!
This gal tried to sell an item that was labeled smoke and pet-free on her ad. As you can see, she is pretty involved in smoking and petting. Liar, liar, cig on fire!
Family Vacation Gone Wrong
You could say that they were trying their best to take a perfect family photo.
But we are not here to give marks for trying, right? The surfer in the background did a great job of making us laugh.
It Was Supposed to Be a Sexy Selfie
The doggo wanted to have his photo taken with his lovely owner. There is nothing wrong with it.
However, he wasn’t allowed to come in and so he had to do something about it.
Her Hairdresser Must Be in the Background
The caption says that this woman is so happy with new hair and indeed she looks quite happy.
However, when you look in the mirror, you come to realize that her hairdresser was the one who took the photo. Customer service at its best!
When You Realize It
These beautiful girls were taking photos for their social media accounts and then there was a special guest appearance.
The spidey just wanted its photo taken but one girl got super scared. Fortunately, they didn’t delete the photo. Everyone… say Hi to spidey.
Jason Voorhees Came to Congratulate The Couple
Aww, that’s so considerate of Jason Voorhees. He came especially just to congratulate the couple.
Or there is a possibility that this picture was taken on the new set of Friday the 13th.
A Perfect Family Photo
This family wanted a family photo and was trying their best to include their doggo in it.
However, the doggo didn’t want his photo taken and decided to take things into his own paws.
Do Not Turn Around
This little fishy is just swimming around, minding his own business. But there's someone close by who's just watching. And by the looks of it, it's not the first time this has happened. Being roommates with a stalker cat must genuinely be a fish's worst nightmare. Luckily for this guy, the glass protects him, at least for now. With that expression, this tiny fish looks shocked. What a priceless shot!
Do not turn around. Just move slowly, and maybe the cat won't even notice you're there.
The Perfect Outfit Fort Zoom
This guy looks great in that jacket and it was a good decision to post his photo online.
But we must say that this picture could’ve looked much better if he had put on some pants.
This Guy Must Feel the Breeze
We just wonder that can’t a person feel a breeze when too much of their backside is hanging?
Apparently, that guy in the back didn’t care much about it and we applaud his confidence.
Enjoying the View of Full Moon With Fresh Beer
We can say with certainty that even plumbers have better self-awareness that the guy in the background.
That brings us to the same question: why take a photo when it is so obvious that there is someone with their backside hanging.
Clearly Not Everyone Had a Good Time
At first, this appears to be just a nice photo of two people at a fancy event. They're dressed nicely, which seems to be for a special occasion. But if you look closely, you'll realize not everyone is enjoying their night on the same level. The young girl in the background seems super mad and can be seen giving the double bird to someone. What did he do to deserve that?
Whether it was a good or bad time had by all, they definitely felt something!
It’s a Foot...We Repeat, It’s a Foot
If you thought of something else after looking at this photo then we won’t blame you for it.
We must admit that it fooled us as well. However, a second look confirmed that it’s just a baby foot.
Rear View Mirror
We just hope that she went to the guy and asked him why was he checking her out.
With proof as solid as this one, she could’ve easily confronted him.
Might Not Want to Keep This Baby Pic Afterall
We don’t know why people keep on making the same mistake over and over again.
The internet is full of pictures such as this one and yet they don’t look twice before posting their photos online.
Great Wine Glasses
This person was reading to have a great time and decided to take a photo of two wine glasses.
However, this person captured something more than what he wanted. Or maybe he had no intentions of capturing the wine glasses in the first place (wink-wink).
Working On Thesis Drains Your Mind
Most of us know that working on a thesis can be really exhausting. We find his used hashtags quite hilarious.
This person just wanted to celebrate the end of the school year in style: with champagne and porn.
Grandma Must Live Among Nudists
It seemed like a simple photo to us at first glance, but that completely changed when we looked at the extreme right corner of this picture.
A perfectly good looking family photo got ruined by a couple of bums. Way to go guys!
Don't Mind the Upside Down Baby
We had to look at this photo several times and still, we are not sure if he is throwing a baby or not.
If he is then it is a normal thing, right? We just hope that the toddler was fine.
Photo Bomb Perfection
These ladies were all set for a sizzling beach photo session until the guy in the back decided to make a grand entry.
We are not sure how many times he walked by this area of the beach (at least a hundred times?)
Casual Browsing
This girl got caught doing “casual browsing” only because of her own big mistake.
Who takes an indoor photo in a dark room with sunglasses? Seriously?
It’s Just Bad Lighting
Even if there is something odd in your photo, you always have that one friend who finds the perviest thing in it.
In this photo, there is an issue of bad lighting and nothing else. You can trust us here!
Deck Relief
You must have a friend who knows how to ruin almost every photo, right?
Well, you should introduce your friend to this guy who knew how to ruin this perfectly fine photo.
Stay Far Away From This Guy
Want to buy a shotgun from this person? Go ahead but make sure you purchase it only on one condition.
The seller must wear some shoes before he answers the doorbell. Gross!
It’s a Harmless Foot
The man in this photo is so unfortunate because this photo became viral all over the internet for the wrong reason.
A lot of people have dirty minds and they quickly jumped to conclusions. We feel for you man!
Go Back to Work, It’s Just a Shadow
These two beer pongs players are really good at this game and they are good at something else as well. Guess what?
They are good at looking cool while their friends take photos of them.
Don’t’ Worry…There is Nothing To See Here
Oh, we can assure you that the background is just fine and there is no need to worry about it.
There are just some kids trying to stuff a baby into cannon. It is totally normal.
Photoshop Fail
Okay, Photoshop is good if you are trying to make a meme or something, but not when it is used to hide the truth.
This woman was busted and she blamed the filters, but it was too late for her.
Letting Others Know
Although this seems like a funny post, it may have a much deeper meaning. Who knows this person was indirectly asking for help.
We just hope that this mistake allowed some of his/her friends to reach out and help.
Not Good At Keeping Secrets
Have a friend who sucks at keeping secrets? Well, you should send this picture to him/her.
This person was just too clueless to hide the information he/she wanted to keep a secret.
Just a Desk Chair
Okay, we know you have to take a second look at this photo but how could you think so wrong in the first place.
It is just a desk chair that looks super harmless. We are so ashamed that you were starting to get offended by it.
Never Share Too Much Information
If you ever needed an example of someone sharing too much information, just look at this picture.
This gerson just shared a causal screenshot which quickly revealed information that was meant to remain hidden.
Not a Good Deal
Although you may get two copies of Frozen for $15, you might be giving your money to a person who will later spend it on drugs.
The crack pipe in this photo shows that the person is too stoned to take only a simple photo of Frozen DVD.
A Scary Little Surprise
The idea of girls’ night out seems pretty cool and enjoying a Vikings game takes the fun to the next level. But wait!
It won’t be fun without taking a photo, right? Well, ignore the young boy who is staring back at the lens with a sinister look on his face.
Where's Waldo?
This may look like a simple photo at first glance, but you will find Waldo if you look closely.
To be honest, we thought finding Waldo would be difficult.
She Didn’t Notice It At All
This woman was so much focused on her own skin condition that she didn’t notice the naked man sitting beside her.
But she must have looked at the photo at least once before posting it right? We don’t think so…
Pervert Spotted
This was a fun selfie until it revealed a pervert who was snapping upskirt photos of a woman.
This photo must’ve been sent to the local police. We hope this creepy dude gets caught.
Questionable Tree Placement
We have to say that the tree’s placement is a little unfortunate for the store.
It is fair to assume that the store named “Forget Me Not” will never forget this one.
Now We Know Why
If any of this person’s friends were confused about why his/her license was revoked; now we know why.
As this person is driving at 40mph and reading this mail, we are glad the license got revoked.
Can I Just Use The Bathroom In Peace?!
Some couples have no boundaries, and it seems like this pair are one of them. While her boyfriend sits on the ivory throne, this Minnie-Mouse lookalike thought it would be a great time to capture a photo of her adorable costume.Though the boyfriend doesn't look so happy (and we can't imagine he's happy she posted it either), we're certainly glad that she took this opportunity to snap a photo for the world to see.
We wonder if she did this on purpose to prank the guy, or if she was just totally thoughtless. Either way, we hope he got her back at some point!
We're Concerned For Her
Okay, for this one, you've really gotta take a closer look. This girl seems to be taking a normal, pretty selfie, and she looks great! But upon closer inspection, we see there's another character in this photo. Look between the headrest, and you'll see a man making a sinister face. We sure hope this is a prank, or a friend of hers just goofing around in the background. Otherwise, we hope she's safe!
We wonder what she and her loved one's reactions were to this photo, and we're just dying to know who this man is and why he's in her car!
Someone Was Out to Get Her
Bollywood actress Neha Sharma could not have known just how much this innocent photo would change her life. The Indian beauty decided to post a selfie on Instagram one morning, but before she knew it, someone doctored the photo and threw in an intimate toy in the background. The photoshopped photo spread like wildfire and became instantly viral, unbeknownst to the actress, who had no idea what was going on.
Even Sharma's colleagues on set began to act strangely around her after seeing the photo. She ended up taking matters into her own hands and posted the original photo again on social media, calling out those who made the edits.