He Ran His Phone Over With A Mower
As far as multitasking goes, mowing while listening to music is a fairly easy one. You just have to be careful to make sure that your phone is secure while you're riding along or pushing the mower. This guy was mowing the grass and only noticed that something was wrong when his music suddenly stopped playing. You can see the results in this photo. His phone was totally and completely destroyed.
Luckily, he still has his AirPods, but this phone is gone, and it probably wasn't great for his mower, either. Hopefully, he had insurance because a warranty probably isn't going to cover this.
Trying To Crush A Spider
While it hurts to think about how much it will cost this person to fix their car radio, at least there's a pretty rational reason behind it being destroyed. A spider was crawling across the screen when this person saw it and threw their water bottle at it. Honestly, those are some pretty quick reflexes. They're actually probably too quick since this person's brain didn't really have a chance to think everything through.
However, we're sure they eventually got as good a laugh out of it as we did. We imagine the spider probably escaped from this incident unharmed are well, since it was such a tiny target.
Running Into Wet Cement
We aren't sure if this person was actually multitasking while they were driving, but we hope not. Either way, their really nice car was probably ruined after they drove it straight into wet cement. Not only that but the car actually sunk into the concrete after it got stuck. We would say that they should've paid more attention to the warning signs, but there don't appear to be any in this photo.
The only thing we can make out that might give a driver pause is the worker in the yellow vest, but we'd probably keep on driving just like this person did.
When You're Still Not Used To The Roof Rack
For many, their cars are almost like extensions of themselves. So, getting a new roof rack is kind of like wearing a new ring or necklace. Sometimes it just takes a while to get used to. This person wasn't quite used to having a new $5,000 bike on the top of their car and completely forgot about it when they were pulling up into their garage. The result was not good.
Not only does it look like the back tire on the bike is potentially ruined, but the back windshield is definitely going to need to be replaced. They might also have to buy a new roof rack.
When You Order the Wrong Thing Online
Sometimes, it can be a pain to order things online, especially when the photos are a bit misleading. That said, most products have dimensions listed so that you don't end up in a situation like this. Someone ordered a new rug online and when it got to them, they found out that it wasn't even big enough for their small dog to use. It's super tiny and looks more like it belongs in a doll house.
We also love the dog's reaction here. He looks just as surprised by the size of the rug as we imagine the owner was whenever it showed up in the mail.
Unevenly Painted Bricks
Someone spotted this while they were waiting in a Burger King drive-through in Ohio. It looks like a contractor or an employee got to the last line of bricks on one side of the wall and just decided to call it a day. However, the upper part of the wall was still painted white, so maybe it really was just an honest mistake, and nobody noticed it at the time.
Either way, it doesn't look like anyone ever came back to finish the job, and now this Burger King will forever have an unevenly painted wall next to its drive-through.
Scratches All Over The Bottom Of A Laptop
This person must've been really in the zone when they were working on their laptop because they didn't even notice that a staple was scratching it up. Also, just what were they doing on there that made their laptop move around so much? We can't imagine anyone typing away that vigorously while they're working or even playing a game. But we guess it doesn't matter as the bottom of the laptop is ruined either way.
However, they might just be able to cover these scratches up using something as simple as a sharpie if they can find one in the perfect color. They might also be able to buff the scratches out.
Call 1-800...
Someone on the marketing team really messed up badly here. The sign on the back of the bus looks completely normal, but it's missing maybe the most crucial part: an actual number for potential clients to call. Luckily, someone could probably easily find these lawyers online and just give them a call that way. However, we imagine that these lawyers probably would much rather people call as soon as they see the sign.
The more processes someone has to go through to get a hold of you, the less likely they are to actually call. Many people might also just forget to look up the number later.
Brushing With Icy Hot
This is definitely not the best way to start your day. Someone posted that they woke up and had to get ready in the dark. This resulted in them brushing their teeth with Icyhot instead of toothpaste. We imagine the feeling might've been similar to using regular toothpaste right up until it didn't stop getting hotter. We also imagine that using regular toothpaste after this would've made the pain worse.
The only thing you'd be able to do in a situation like this is to rinse your mouth out with water until the Icyhot feeling starts to go away.
Mixing Toilet Paper With The Clothes
Out of all the washing mistakes you could make, we've never seen anything quite like this. Someone accidentally knocked a roll of toilet paper into the washer, and t dissolved all over the clothes. So, if you've ever wondered what would happen if you washed an entire roll of toilet paper, then here is your answer. It just ends up looking like a thick powder by the time the washer is done.
That said, we're sure that after a couple of more cycles these clothes finally got clean. And at least whoever this was got an interesting little photo out of the whole experience.
Studying While Eavesdropping
You can probably relate to this photo if you've ever tried to write something down or were typing while listening in on a nearby conversation. Someone was listening to their parents talk about a new fridge and accidentally ended up writing down that Germany turned itself into a fridge at the end of World War I. As we said before, multitasking is hard, especially when you're trying to focus intensely.
Our brains just weren't made to write historical facts down on flashcards while also listening in on a conversation about a new fridge. It gets confused and mixes up history with the present.
A Long Day At The Bakery
We honestly feel really bad for whoever baked this cake. Someone gave them a flash drive that contained the photo they wanted to have on the cake. However, the baker just used an image of the thumb drive she received. The baker was probably thinking that having a cake with an image of a thumb drive sounded really weird but the two things just never clicked in their head.
Still, we imagine that both the customer and the baker had a pretty good laugh at this whole thing whenever the customer came to pick up their thumb drive cake.
Daydreaming In Class
We've all been there at one point. Whenever you're just sitting in class and the teacher is going over something while you're sitting there daydreaming or just staring off into space. That's what this person was doing, but they also happened to be running their pen up and down their pants while they were doing so. They said that they didn't realize that the top of the pen was off at the time.
However, it doesn't really look that bad. In fact, if kind of looks as if the pair of jeans could've just been made like that. The colors even almost match.
Something Was Wrong With The Printer
Okay, we honestly can't even blame this person for putting an unopened package of paper into this printer. If you've never used a large printer, they can be really intimidating at first. However, if we had to guess then we'd guess that they were just spacing out a bit while they were loading it and forgot to unwrap the paper. The person called their coworker over to help and the coworker found the printer like this.
We imagine that the coworker and the person who took this photo just looked at each other and proceeded to laugh hysterically after all of this went down. Oh, and of course they fixed the printer.
Nervous For The Math Test
There are two types of students out there: those that couldn't care less about a test and those that get so nervous they forget how to write their own last names. You can probably guess what kind of student the test in this photo belonged to. A teacher posted it after realizing that their student misspelled their own last name. However, the student did end up passing the test with flying colors.
So, we suppose that all of that nervousness paid off in the end. Of course, that was probably after a fair bit of studying and worrying about how they'd do on the exam.
Forgetting To Roll Up Your Window Before A Storm
Forgetting to roll up your window just about anywhere can be a recipe for disaster, especially so if you live in a place that receives a lot of snow. Unfortunately for this person, mother nature doesn't care if you're a little bit absent-minded, and she went on ahead and filled this car up with snow anyway. We can't imagine how difficult this is going to be to get completely clean and dry.
The snow is literally up to the steering wheel in this photo, and even if you were to turn on the heater, all it would do is leave you with a damp interior.
Using Stock Sushi Images
This one took us a second to figure out what was going on, but the diner who took this photo caught the mistake immediately. Whoever put the images of sushi on this menu accidentally used stock photos of USB sushi. Honestly, we can't really blame them, either. Like, why do images of USB sushi even exist in the first place? Who is ever going to need something like that?
Also, not everyone can afford to have a professional photographer come to their restaurant and take nice photos of the food. We just hope they were able to find some better stock images after they noticed the mistake.
Someone Made Way More Bread Than Needed
Whoever made this bread dough must've really been multitasking whenever they were mixing ingredients because this is a lot of dough to prepare. We couldn't even see a restaurant mixing up this much dough, and that's probably why they ended up throwing most of it away. However, the bread dough rose so much that it spilled out of the trashcan and onto the street. Maybe they were just listening to music or something and lost track of the amount of ingredients they were using.
We're not sure, but either way, that's a lot of bread dough. It almost looks like it's alive the way it's just spilling out of the trashcan like that.
Mixing Up Weed Killer And Fertilizer
We're honestly surprised that this doesn't happen more often. After all, most people keep the weed killer in the same spot they'd keep their fertilizer. This person grabbed the former and sprayed it all over their yard, thinking that they were making their grass happy and healthy. As you can see, that was definitely not the case, and they just ended up with dead patches of grass wherever they sprayed.
Still, it doesn't look that bad, and if anything, they can just tell people that they meant to use weed killer to create a pattern or an artistic expression or something.
Careful When You Get Things on Amazon
It isn't always the case, but sometimes ordering online can be a bit dicey, especially if you don't find and read the really small print outlining dimensions. This guy obviously got really excited when he was ordering his new chair and didn't care to check and see how big it actually was. When he received the chair, he took this photo, and while he does look a bit disappointed, at least he's maintaining a sense of humor.
He could've just gotten angry and not posted a funny photo of him sitting in a tiny chair online, but instead he took it on the chin and we're happy he did.
Seeing Your Idol On The Street
This photo is actually a lot more heartwarming than it looks at first. This kid saw his favorite soccer player out on the street and instantly started chasing after him to get a photo or an autograph. However, he accidentally ran head-first into a pole while he was giving chase and ended up with a bloody nose. Luckily, it looks like the player saw the whole thing happen and gave the kid a photo.
His mom was the one who took this picture, and honestly, we couldn't think of a happier ending if we tried. The expression on the kid's face is golden, too.
Forgetting To Add The Decimal When Ordering A Drill Bit
This guy's boss was probably really shocked when the new drill bit finally came in, seeing as how this thing doesn't look like it'd fit in a regular drill. Someone forgot to add a decimal when ordering a 7.5 mm bit and ended up with this. But honestly, even small drill bits are already very expensive, so they had to be using their boss's money when they ordered this and didn't notice the price difference.
What would you even use a drill bit this size for? Maybe for work in an industrial complex or in a shipbuilding yard or something similar to that.
Running Leather Gloves Through A Washer
If you weren't aware, leather is never meant to be washed in a washing machine. If you ever do wash something leather in a washing machine, then it's going to end up looking like these gloves. They shrunk enormously after this guy washed them, and we have to imagine that the whole thing was just an accident. Maybe he didn't see them with the other dirty clothes when he emptied everything.
Still, it looks as though someone is going to have to go shopping for new gloves after this. Hopefully, he'll just remember to keep them in his drawer or something next time.
When The Fake Apple Is Really Convincing
A guy was walking through IKEA when he looked down and noticed that this fake apple had bite marks on it. Not only that, but these bite marks look really deep, meaning someone had to have tried to really take a chunk out of this apple. It looks pretty real, but it doesn't look real enough for us to gamble on it in the middle of an IKEA, especially not with it sitting next to that fake lettuce.
So, we're just going to assume that someone probably did this as a joke and left it there, which doesn't take away from the fact they bit into a fake apple.
Funny Tasting Water
We think this water filter was inside a refrigerator, but that still doesn't excuse the fact that it was installed well over a decade ago and never changed. Someone asked their mother why the water tasted a little funny, and when they went and checked the filter, they noticed that the date on it said it was installed in 2006. That might explain why the water tasted a bit weird.
We're not sure how long you're supposed to wait to change the water filter in your refrigerator, but we're sure that number isn't more than 15 years unless you like your water tasting funny.
Mixing Up Vegetable Stock And Milk
There are few things we imagine taste worse with coffee than vegetable stock. Maybe chicken stock. This person reached for the vegetable stock in the morning instead of the milk and ended up with coffee that probably tasted like it needed to be thrown out. However, in their defense, the cartons for the milk and the stock look nearly identical, and we'd have a hard time telling them apart in the morning, too.
If you're looking at them from above, the only way you'd know the difference was if you actually read the labels and who can be bothered to do that early in the morning?
Someone Tried Charging Their Phone On A Mug Heater
You might have to look kind of close, but if you do, then you can see a mark on the back of this guy's phone. That mark is from where they mistook a mug heater for a wireless charger; honestly, we don't blame them. We never thought about it before, but wireless chargers look exactly like mug heaters. You wouldn't even have to be multitasking to mistake one for the other.
We just hope that this guy's phone escaped without too much damage. It looks like there's only a faint mark on the back but maybe the heat melted some stuff inside.
Misleading Wrapping Paper
Wrapping paper usually isn't this confusing. Most of the time, you can clearly see what pattern or image is on the outside of it. However, for some reason, this wrapping paper appears silver until you actually start unrolling it and realize that it's clear. This person didn't seem too concerned, though, and said they were still going to use it to wrap their coworker's gift, even if that kind of destroys the point.
We're just wondering what in the world anyone would do with clear wrapping paper. At that point, you'd be better off just using plastic wrap or not using wrapping paper at all.
When The Waitress Is Really Into The Game
Someone posted this photo after they'd finished their dinner and were waiting for the check. It appears as though the waitress just lost track of everything when she looked up at the game. Maybe she's just a really big baseball fan because she looks dead focused on the game. The person who took the photo said that they had been waiting around for 15 minutes, and the restaurant had emptied.
She could've also just not noticed that they were there because as much as we love baseball, we can't imagine someone getting so into it on T.V. that they forget about a customer.
Using The Wrong Side Of The Shaker
If this has never happened to you, then we're a bit envious. Someone went to add a bit of black pepper to their meal and ended up using the wrong side of the shaker. The result looks like someone just ran up and poured a handful of sand into a pan. The worst part just might be that they're trying in vain to scoop it all out with a spatula.
They're better off just cutting their losses and starting over, but we admire the effort. This is just one of the reasons why a pepper grinder is the best way to go.
They Let Their Child Edit Their Wedding Photos
Having a family member take care of something that you'd normally pay an arm and a leg for can be great, but it also sometimes opens you up to things like this. The couple in this photo had one of their children take and edit their wedding photos. The photos themselves turned out great, but if you look closely, then you can see something strange about the tree in the background.
The best part is that the parents didn't even notice, and they hung the photo up on the wall inside their home, with the sloth still chilling in the background and all.
Subway Sent A Knife With Their Sandwich
Someone at Subway must've really been working hard when they made this sandwich because it appears as though they completely forgot their knife in the wrapper. Whoever ordered the sandwich ended up receiving it with their order, which isn't the worst thing to get with your order, if we're being honest. We're just sure whoever got this was pretty surprised when they opened up the wrapper and found a knife.
The worker was probably just incredibly busy when they were making the sandwich and was moving so fast that they forgot they left the knife in there with the sandwich.
A Parent Said Google Was Acting Up
Someone was talking to their dad when they said Google was blurring all of the images in the top left corner of the laptop for some reason. They then took a photo of the laptop, but they probably should've been reaching out to push the screen away from that candle. It's not hard to see why a portion of the screen might look blurry. The entire back right corner is melting.
The poor dad in this photo. That screen is probably going to be pretty expensive to replace unless they're content to just use it with a blurry corner from now on.
Coating Cinnamon Rolls In Bug Spray
We could see someone, busy or not, grabbing whatever spray bottle they saw on the counter and thinking its cooking spray. This mom grabbed the bug spray and then used it to coat her cinnamon rolls, not noticing it until after the rolls were out of the oven. However, bug spray has a pretty strong smell, so we're kind of surprised that she didn't realize when she was spraying away.
Maybe she had some other stuff that was cooking at the time or something. Either way, it's probably safe to say that these weren't eaten after the mistake was realized.
A Housewarming Gift That's A Little Too Large
This one isn't the worst mistake in the world to make. Someone's dad sent them and their partner a cutting board for their new home as a housewarming gift. However, the dad didn't realize that the board he ordered was... well, industrial-sized, and the couple ended up with a cutting board the size of a large kitchen island. And honestly, we hope they actually turned it into a kitchen island.
This thing is huge, and we couldn't even imagine a professional-grade kitchen inside a restaurant would need a cutting board this large. Still, it's a super nice gift, even if it's a bit too big.
Someone Accidentally Peeled Off Their T. V. 's Polarizing Film
We're pretty sure most people have seen the protective film that companies put on things like T.V.s and such. One of the first things most people do after buying a new screen is to pull the film off. And that's what this person tried doing as well. However, it turned out his T.V. didn't come with one of those, and instead, they ended up pulling off the polarizing film and ruining a corner of the screen.
We can't imagine the pain they must've been feeling when they pulled it just a bit and saw nothing but a white screen underneath the film, especially after just getting it home.
Someone Forgot Their E-Reader On The Car
It's never a good feeling when you think you forgot something somewhere, only to remember what that something was much later. This person said that they got home and felt like they had forgotten something in the car. When they walked outside the next day, they saw their e-reader sitting outside on top of the car. The worst part is that it looks like it rained overnight, and their e-reader looks drenched.
Luckily, it appears as if the e-reader is okay, though, because you can still make out what book was on the screen when they left it outside, but we're not sure.
Getting Stuck In The Basement
If you've ever mopped the floor and found yourself stuck in a corner, unable to get out without stepping on the wet floor, then this one is for you. This person was so into painting the stairs to their basement that they weren't even thinking about how they would get out. They ended up stuck with the only way out being through the wet paint. We're guessing they waited for it to dry.
Hopefully, the next time they have to paint something, it won't be the stairs. And if they do, we're sure they're going to think back to this photo and plan accordingly.
Someone Forgot To Put The Ice Tray Back
Pretty much everyone is taught to put things back where they got them from a young age. However, sometimes we just forget to do it, and that's usually okay. This was not one of those cases. Someone pulled the ice tray out of the freezer and forgot to put it back in. the next time they opened it up; they found this mountain of ice cubes waiting for them inside.
We suppose they won't be running out of ice anytime soon. However, they're also going to have to be really careful when they open that freezer up because you could get buried underneath all of that ice.
Losing And Finding Your Wallet
One of the worst feelings in the world is when you lose a wallet or phone. This guy lost his wallet, and after three days of looking, he finally ordered new cards. Of course, that's when he decided to check the chair he was sitting in and found it stuck between the cushions and the armrest. We can see why he might've overlooked it because it's hard for us to even make it out in this photo.
We've also never seen a wallet or phone get stuck in an office chair. If this was that tiny space between the chair and the center console of a car, then we would've wondered why didn't he just check there.