The Incriminating Toilet Bowl Selfie No Parent Wants To See
For many parents, they remember a time before the invention of the cameraphone. This was a simpler time, where all it took was calling someone on a landline or taking a photo with an actual camera. Now, kids can get their hands on fancy smartphones which can take front and back photos depending on which camera you want to use. This little guy saw his mom's phone sitting on the counter and decided to have an underwater photoshoot.
We really hope this is a waterproof smartphone, and that some disinfectant was ready to use when this parent finally found their phone deep in the bowels of this toilet.
Bathroom Doors Should Never Ever Have Frosted Glass In Them
As a parent, finding some time for yourself is very important. For a lot of parents, that time is when they are in the bathroom. For about 5 minutes, you get to enjoy some peace and quiet, until inevitably, your child decided to start banging on the door to find out what is taking so long. This mom rented a nice Airbnb, but the frosted glass inserts in the bathroom door were less than ideal.
Not only could their child see them in the bathroom, but they were also greeted by this terrifying image of an alien child whenever their kid pressed their face up against the door.
It All Started With A Night Out Which Led To Staying In
It takes two to tango, and to create a baby. This new mom wasn't always spending her time pumping milk and rocking a mom bod. Before she had children she enjoyed dressing up and hitting the town. Having kids changes the pace of life and priorities, which is not a bad thing at all, it is just something different. Spending the night out on the town is fun, and that doesn't have to stop.
Lots of parents still enjoy date nights once in a while, and that can include dressing up and hitting the clubs if you have the energy for that!
Dads' Faces Make The Best Canvases, Especially When They're Sleeping
Two things that tend to not go together so well are sleeping parents and markers. If their child does not use the markers to draw a not-so-beautiful mural on a wall, then they will probably find the next best thing - their parents' faces. This dad was enjoying a much-deserved nap after a night shift when he woke up and realized it was time to walk the dog and his daughter.
After strolling around the block and chatting with a neighbor, this dad finally realized what had happened. His daughter had decided to let her artistic side out and draw all over his nice clean face.
From Drinks With Friends to Exploding Diapers in Just a Few Short Years
There are some moments that really stand out for parents and make all of the dirty diapers worth it. One of these is watching a toddler say its first words, or seeing a teenager graduate from high school. These are monumental moments that make a parent forget everything they had to go through to get to this point. This is very important for new parents to remember, especially when an exploding diaper is something that has to be dealt with.
It's pretty gross to have to clean up the spillover from a diaper, but it is all part of the beautiful process that is having children.
Don't Worry Mom, There Is A Great Explanation For The Mess
If there is one thing that kids are good at, it is coming up with creative excuses for why they made giant messes. Some kids like to just say it was an accident and they don't know how anything went wrong, while others put on all sorts of attitude. This little guy decided to go with the second option, and the facial expression and the hand out is telling this parent everything they need to know.
Someone and we are not saying who, got into a bag of flour and decided to swish it all around the kitchen. Perhaps, it was this little man right here.
2021 And What Working From Home With Kids Really Looks Like
2020 and 2021 have definitely been special years for parents. Not only have many of them had to pivot into new roles, but they have had to develop parenting strategies that also involve working from home at the same time. This dad may not have been a multi-tasker before 2020, but he definitely is now. Working and parenting all under the same roof is very different than working at an office and coming home at the end of the day.
Meetings now involve children running around in the background, and having to hit the 'mute' button and 'camera off' button more often than not.
A Picture Perfect Moment With A Side Of Spit Up
Babies need milk or formula to grow big and strong, but all of that liquid doesn't necessarily stay down once it has been drunk. This mother and daughter duo were poised for that picture-perfect moment that would end up being a keepsake photo on a mantlepiece when disaster struck. All of that milk she had just drunk came bubbling up and was spit all over her mom's face. This moment definitely took a turn.
A face full of spit-up isn't something any parent wants to experience, but that is all part of being a parent.
Going To The Bathroom Does Not Involve Removing All Clothing
Potty training is one of those activities that all parents and caregivers must eventually undergo. Kids need to learn how to properly use a toilet, and most parents don't want to change diapers for five or more years. This dad thought his kid finally had it down, but there was just one little problem, The little boy seemed to think that the only way to go to the bathroom was to remove every single item of clothing.
There are definitely times in life where this does need to happen, but for everyday bathroom activities, especially in a public bathroom, they do not. Someone needs to learn how to stay dressed.
It's Time For A Fun Family Parasailing Photo With The Kids
You would think that kids would be excited to go on a parasailing adventure, but once they hit those teenage years everything changes. It's no longer 'cool' to enjoy hanging out with your parents, and going on vacation with them is just plain embarrassing. These teens decided to show off exactly how they felt about being forced to endure a family parasailing adventure and the photos are worth a thousand words.
Instead of giving a nice pair of thumbs up, these kids decided to play dead as their parents tried to snap a nice photo. This is not an image the parasailing company wants on their promotional materials, that's for sure!
Sometimes The Best Response Is The No Clothes Strike
Pools can be pretty dangerous for toddlers, and no toddler or child should ever be in one without some adult supervision. After staring at the pool all day, this little guy really wanted to go for a dip but his parents were too busy to watch him. They did try to relay this as nicely as possible, but this little guy was not happy to be told, "No" to pool time.
Most toddlers would have thrown a tantrum, but this little one opted for a different tactic. He simply removed all of his clothes and ran off naked down the street. That's one way to get some attention.
Even Adults Agree That Suits Can Be Pretty Terrifying
There comes a time in every young child's life when their mom or dad has to head back to the office after taking leave. This usually means they have to wear workwear which can look pretty different than the sweatpants and dirty t-shirt that is their regular attire. For this little one, she was horrified to see her dad wearing a pinstripe suit as he prepared to return to the office.
Instead of clapping her hands with joy, she let out a terrified scream which we admit is a fair reaction. Wearing tight pants and a dress shirt is definitely a reason to cry.
What Is Better, A Glass Of Wine Or A Face Full Of Baby?
Having kids means getting into some pretty unique situations. The first year is full of diapers, crying, and sleepless nights. The second year is full of potty training, learning how to walk, and generally learning how to speak a few words. All of this can lead to some pretty funny photos, which is especially true for this mom. Instead of enjoying a nice glass of wine, she got a face full of baby butt.
She might be smiling, but if we had to guess, she would probably rather be enjoying a glass of wine than a potentially dirty diaper to the face.
Birthdays Have Never Been More Ominous When Kids Get Involved
Understanding what life and death mean can create a bit of an existential crisis for kids. For this dad's daughter, she understood that birthdays are more like counting down until someone passes on to the next life. It's great that she understands that eventually parents pass away, but her dad probably didn't want the very graphic reminder of it on his special day. The hand-drawn grim reaper really drives the point home.
We hope for the sake of this dad, that he has many more years ahead of him, and that his daughter understand that those should be celebrated,
Life Changes But The Wine Always Stays The Same
A nice glass of wine at a pub or a bar is an excellent way to end a day. You get to slowly sip on a nice vintage, enjoy some chitchat and watch the other patrons enjoying their evening. Having kids means you need to say bye-bye to quiet evenings spent sipping on wine, but you don't need to say goodbye to the wine itself. In fact, you should probably up that wine intake.
Six years later, and this mom is still enjoying her wine, but the evenings are a lot less relaxed judging by these two toddlers' antics.
Show And Smell Is The New Show And Tell
Teachers are always looking for ways to spice up their classes, and this one decided to introduce virtual show and smell. Finding something that smells good at home takes a lot of time and a whole lot of sniffing. After perusing all of the shelves in her home, this little girl found something that smelled absolutely delicious. That's right, she decided to show off a nice big old bottle of coconut-flavored rum.
Her teacher probably couldn't contain her laughter when she saw the bottle, and this parent was probably horrified that was the best 'smelling' thing in the house.
Father And Son Moments Are Especially Precious When They Are Candid
The relationship between a father and son is a special one, especially when a favorite object is included in a candid photo. This son decided to hang up a very special photo of him and his dad on his classroom's family board and his dad didn't notice what he was holding in the photo for an entire year. It would appear that this dad has a very special skill and his son loves to show it off.
Passing gas is a normal bodily function, but if you're the best at it, you might want to keep that private. Otherwise, people might want to steer clear of you in enclosed spaces, like a classroom on parent-teacher interview day.
Bunchems And Hair Don't Mix The Way Kids Want Them To
It feels like there are a million toys on the market and some of them are definitely better than others. There are also toys that are a lot of fun to play with but they do require adult supervision, Bunchems fall under this category. The little balls covered in poky bits are very similar to burrs, and when rolled in hair can create a very serious snarl situation which this mom found out the hard way.
After a bit of unsupervised playtime, she found her daughter's hair wrapped around an entire box of Bunchems, all thanks to her son.
White Ink Pads, Hands, And Black Cupboards Are A Bad Mix
All parents know that paint, markers, and ink pads need to be watched very carefully when it comes to children. As soon as a parent gets distracted, those little hands immediately grab whatever artistic medium they can and find the worst place to start painting or drawing. This little one realized they could perfectly stamp their hand in the ink and the all-black cupboards in the kitchen were just begging for a nice handprint.
We really hope that this is the kind of ink that washes off, otherwise, this kitchen just got an impromptu makeover.
Sometimes A Good Power Nap Can Be A Game Changer
If you ask any new parent what they miss the most about the time before they were a parent, most would probably say sleeping. As soon as a baby enters the picture, there will be sleepless nights. This is also true for the toddler years. When those little kids start walking around, many parents wake up to their kids crawling into bed with them when something goes bump in the night.
These parents used to dress up, but now all they want are a few moments of uninterrupted sleep before the have to start looking after their baby again.
Important Meetings Can Only Be Interrupted For Specific Events
Working from home means parents need to set boundaries, especially when it comes to important meetings. For this dad, he had had one too many meetings interrupted by his kids, and that led to the establishment of the rule board. Unless someone needs urgent medical care, and mom can't take care of it, then this door should never be opened under any circumstances. His kids seem like they had some other thoughts regarding this.
It is pretty hard to resist opening a door that you are not supposed to, and these two kids could not resist. We bet they were making some pretty funny faces in the background.
Welcome To The Slug Hospital Where Slugs Always Slowly Escape
Everything is new to children, and creepy crawlies like slugs are always interesting to examine. Kids love to catch things like slugs and watch them slowly ooze across the pavement or on the grass. These kids decided they wanted to build a slug hospital where all of the slugs in the neighborhood could hang out and be treated for any illnesses and wounds they might have. There was just one little problem.
Slugs don't really like to be contained in one spot, even if there are some delicious greens to feast on. Slowly but surely, these slugs escaped.
Silence Is Always Suspicious When It Comes To Playing Children
Silence is golden, but not when it comes to kids. Every parent knows that as soon as they hear a few minutes of silence that their child has either gotten up to no good or has fallen asleep. There is no in-between. After listening to see if their toddler was busy playing with their toys, this parent decided to go and check in on them. The toddler had certainly been busy.
Instead of dressing up dolls or driving trucks around, this toddler had found a hole punch and proceeded to punch a bunch of holes in the leaves of this tropical plant.
It All Started When Mom Met Dad On Christmas
For most people, it starts with meeting the person you want to spend some time with, and eventually, that leads to having kids. This couple seemed to have enjoyed dressing up and posing for funny pictures. After having kids, the exhaustion set in, and instead of dressing up all these two want to do is put on clean sweatpants and take a nap. Newborns can really take it out of new parents.
Luckily, these two have each other and a team is always better than going solo when it comes to looking after a new baby.
Some Children Are True Innovators That Only Their Parents Appreciate
Growing up, some children display the kind of innovative talents that let parents know their kids belong at a gifted school. The kids that don't make it into the gifted school have their own special talents which show they belong in regular old schoo. This kid showed that he may be an innovator, but not exactly in the way that helps you skip a grade or get a scholarship to a fancy private school.
At least he knows how to protect his face during recess. That kind of street sense isn't something most kids have, and that includes the ones at fancy schools.
The Diaper Report That Calls For All Hands On Deck
Going back to work and enrolling a toddler or baby into daycare is a big step. Parents have to relinquish control and supervision of their little ones, and that means having someone else change dirty diapers. You would think that this would actually be a bit of a bonus for sending a child to daycare, but it comes with its own challenges judging by this very graphic and detailed diaper report.
Something must have been going on with this little one's tummy because the last two entries are enough to make even the most seasoned of childcare providers balk at changing a diaper.
Beware Of Pumpkin Head, The Newest Halloween Villain In Town
Every child is different, but the one thing they all have in common is that they like to come up and wake their parents up in the morning. As soon as Halloween got close, this little girl began to start planning exactly how she was going to scare her parents. All it took was a painted pumpkin and a sweatshirt, and she was able to create this terrifying headless child.
Imagine waking up to this pumpkin head staring down at you first thing in the morning. This parent must have started screaming until they realized it was their kid.
How Many Questions Is Too Many Questions When It Comes To Kids
The world is full of interesting things, and kids love to ask questions about everything they come across, some of the questions are normal, like "Why is the sky blue" and others are just plain weird. Answering a million questions everyday can take a lot out of a parent, especially when they don't have the answers to all of the questions. In "The Return of the Jedi" Yoda has a moment with Luke Skywalker that sums up the questioning period of a child's life.
Once in awhile, a parent just needs to lay down and not have any questions thrown their way for a few minutes.
Home Is Where The Heart Is And Fun Is Where Dad Is
There is one room in every house where all of the family likes to hang out and be together. For a lot of families that is the kitchen, but for this family, it is wherever dad has decided to work. All this dad wanted was a bit of peace and quiet to catch up on a few things, but his four kids had some other thoughts on the matter. Wherever dad is, is where they need to be.
It would appear that no meaningful work is going to be done today, or at least not until mom gets home.
Keep On Rocking In The Free World With Mom And Dad
There is always something that draws two people towards each other. Sometimes it is a simple attraction and in other cases, it is a shared love of something like hard rock. This couple initially shared a passion for all things musical, and that resulted in a little kid that also loves rock. Dad must have put headphones on mom's belly when she was pregnant to make sure they have a kid ready to rock.
It's great to see parents who haven't changed at all since having a kid. You can keep your old life going if you want to!
It Might Be Time To Explain Why ID Is Important
Being able to identify yourself is kind of important, which is why most parents always carry a driver's license or applicable piece of ID with them when they are out running errands. Kids in particular love to go through their mom's purses and pull out everything inside. That's why some moms keep fun surprises in their like action figures and little candies. This mom let her kid go through her wallet which was fine at the time.
A not-so-tiny problem arose when this mom got pulled offer by a cop and had to show her ID though. Instead of ID, she had this game card. Cops don't typically accept lizard cards in place of ID though.
Always Check The Soap To Find Out Kids' True Feelings
Raising kids isn't easy, and there will inevitably be a time when a parent needs to put their foot down and tell their son or daughter "No!" in regard to something they want to do or buy. Nobody wants to get a "No!" from a parent, and when it happens there can be a few hard feelings. Instead of shouting at them, this kid decided to carve out their feelings in a bar of soap.
It's not exactly the nicest thing a parent can read, but kids sometimes say things in anger, just like adults.
Kids And Dogs Are A Match Made In Family Heaven
Dogs are generally known for being a human's best friend, and that is certainly true when it comes to kids as well. Not all dogs are used to being around kids, which means it can be a bit of an adjustment when a baby or toddler enters the picture. Most dogs are up to the challenge though, and embrace having a little one to watch out for in addition to their owners.
This dog now gets to play dress-up with the toddler, which isn't exactly its favorite thing. The single dog life might just be a tad superior here,
From All Night Parties To Matching Daddy-Daughter Hairstyles
A lot can change in a matter of months when someone decides to have a baby. Most parents remember what their lives were like pre-kids, and they tended to be drastically different. Gone are the days of all-night parties for this dad. Instead of deciding what bar to go to next, he now gets to spend those important party hours with his daughter. That means learning a whole other skillset.
Learning how to style hair is just one of the many skills dads who have daughters need to have. This dad seems to have gotten the high ponytail down without any issues,
Riding A Camel Is Ten Times Different Than Being The Camel
If there is one thing that Egypt is known for, it is pyramids. This mom was clearly a world traveler before settling down and starting a family. Riding camels is just one of the many adventures that she embarked on, but she probably didn't think that she would one day be a camel. Kids love riding around on anything they can find, and that includes a very tired mom's back.
It might just be time for these toddlers to go find dad, and give this tired momma a break from kid duty for a few minutes judging by her face.
Melted Ice Cream Makes The Best Hair Gel Right?
As a little kid, there is nothing cooler than being put on top of a parent's shoulders and being able to be high off of the ground. It gives you a bird's eye of everything around you, which you typically don't get to enjoy when you are only two or three feet tall. This little girl got to enjoy both being up high and eating a delicious ice cream all at the same time.
What dad did not anticipate is that the ice cream would melt all over his hair, creating a very sticky mess.
Sharing Is Caring When It Comes To Family Meals
For the foodies out there, digging into an amazing meal is the perfect way to spend an evening. That is all this dad wanted to do before he had kids. Fast food was his thing, and he prided himself on trying all of the different fast food in his area. That takes some serious dedication and a very strong gut. After having kids, he had to learn the meaning of sharing.
These three boys are never going to let their dad eat a meal solo again. Every meal is one that is meant to be shared, which this dad better get used to.
No Makeup Necessary When It Comes To Saturday Nights In
Finding time to do a full face of makeup just isn't possible for a lot of new moms. There is also no need to slick on a bunch of makeup if you are spending a quiet nice at home unless you feel like doing it just for you. This mom used to spend a lot of time doing her makeup, but the exhaustion that comes with having kids just makes it less of a priority now.
This tired mom just needs to focus on finding pleasure in the simple things, like making her toddler smile and stealing a few moments for herself.
Stickers Are Not For Paper, They Are For Dad's Face
Parents have to put up with a lot when it comes to kids, and it is all for the joy of watching them grow up and make something of themselves. This dad used to be a bit of a ladies' man judging by his shirt, and a slight grin. Now, he is nothing more than a sticker book for his toddler. Those star stickers aren't going to stick themselves and his face is the perfect canvas.
Kids do the strangest things, but we imagine this little one couldn't help but laugh at dad's sticker-covered eyelid and cheeks.
Trick Or Treat Just Let Me Sleep Pretty Please
Everyone remembers what those college years are like. You get dressed up on Halloween and enjoy hitting a few different parties, all while having one or a few too many drinks. Those post-college years where you have to get a job, grow up and start a family are a tad different. This dad embraced having a newborn and even decided to give out candy on Halloween with his newborn strapped to his chest.
It might not be like the Halloweens of old, but this new chapter is definitely one worth remembering even if it is a bit quieter.