This article was originally published on RealLifeDIY
It's Time to Make Santa’s Footprints Come to Life
He spends all year checking his naughty and nice list. And when he arrives with his big bag of presents, he usually slips in and out unnoticed. Or does he? It can be hard to keep the ruse going with young children since they never see any real signs of Santa. This year, why not fool them with some snowy footprints? The illusion can easily be created with an ingredient you already have in the pantry. Here's how!
Place some wet snowboots into a tray of baking powder. Then, press the boots into the carpet and make a trail all the way to the tree. Feel free to keep dipping for more fake snow, as needed.
Try This Hack To Make Your Tree Instantly Fluffier
Sometimes, you just don't get the best tree on the lot. If you've ever wished for a little more looking at your evergreen, it's time for a gamechanger. There is a way to secretly fluff things up! The method involves a long piece of green tinsel. Don't get the sparkly kind, of course. You want it to blend in perfectly with the tree. Start wrapping in the sparse areas, and weave in and out to fill in the gaps.
The result is instantaneous: The tree will look much fuller, and no one will be able to see your little green lie. This is the hack your Xmas has been waiting for!
These Grinch Jello Cups Melt Our Cold Little Hearts
Christmas is filled with gingerbread men and candy canes. We're certainly not complaining about that. But if you want to mix things up this year, we've got a Suess-inspired treat that's just as easy to make. Grinch Jello Cups only require a few materials, and they are sure to get a giggle. Pick up lime green jello cups. Then, buy red and white pom-poms, googly eyes, white puffy paint, a hot glue gun, and black and yellow sharpies.
Color the googly eyes yellow, and raw the classic Grinch face on the cup. Layer white puffy paint and the pom-poms with hot glue to create the effect of a Santa hat. Let it dry overnight, and get ready to steal Christmas.
Pick Up Broken Glass at Your Holiday Party With Ease
Holidays usually involve alcohol. If we're honest, maybe even a lot of alcohol. It's hard to avoid spills and broken cups when things get jolly. That can be a challenge to clean, and maybe your first instinct is to vacuum. But is that the only way to remove those scattered, sharp chunks? We suggest a much simpler method. Get out a loaf of bread. Take one slice. And now, instead of eating it, press it over the glass.
It might sound silly, but it works. You'd be surprised how much this will pick up! All those little shards are no match for the bread method. Try it yourself, and see!
Low Carb Latkes Are Possible This Hannukah
Hanukkah is the festival of carbs. For those who celebrate eight crazy nights, eating can mean gaining. The most traditional food around is the latke, otherwise known as a potato pancake. Hot, greasy, and starch-heavy, these treats are never diet-friendly. But maybe they can be! Foodies out there have figured out a way to cut down on the calories, quick. You just need a good substitute for potato. What else would work?
This year, try a shredded zucchini, beets, carrot, onion, cauliflower, or butternut squash. Mix a few, even. Then, add it as you normally would in your family recipe. The results are surprisingly yummy!
Melted Snowman Water Will Be a Hit at Your Xmas Party
At your holiday event, you probably already have hot cocoa and eggnog at the snack table. But what about those who just want hydration? There's a way to make H2O silly, and it just requires a little craft. Make it look like it's the remains of a melted snowman, and you're sure to amuse guests. To achieve the look, fill up your big jug dispenser and pop in a few big chunks of ice. Then, add a carrot.
The effect will be unmistakable: People will think they are consuming Frosty himself. Pro tip: You don't need people letting you know you forgot a carrot in the water all night. Make sure to add a label, just so everyone gets the joke!
Make a Festive Trash Bin for Efficient Gift Wrap Disposal
Unwrapping presents is probably not what the holidays were supposed to be about. Xmas celebrates the birth of a savior. Hannukah talks about freedom and culture. We are not sure when they both became so commercialized. But since we are where we are, it's time to figure out an efficient way to get rid of the mess. We suggest creating a wrapping paper box that matches the gifts, and hiding it in plain sight.
Simply take a box and cover it in colorful gift paper. When the shredding starts, direct everyone to place the materials in this special bin. Straight to the garbage it goes! No muss, no fuss.
Pro Secret Ice Cream Cones for Your Christmas Tree Cupcakes
You love cupcakes. You love ice cream cones. And you love trees most of all, this time of year. Have you ever thought about combining all of these passions? It's time to learn exactly how that can be done. These Xmas cupcakes are adorable and will have everyone wondering how you laid down the frosting so perfectly. Your secret will be a cone placed right on top of the cake. No one will ever know!

Make sure to fully cover the cone in green icing. At the base, seal it with white frosting to look like snow. And get creative with colorful dots, or sprinkles to look like ornaments. Ta-da, it's a tree!
This Is the Best Way to Cat-Proof Christmas Trees
It's a terror, every single year. When felines see a big piece of nature right in the living room, it's impossible to resist. If your pet climbs into the branches and goes wild, there is a big risk that the tree is going to come crashing down. All of your delicate decorating can be ruined in an instant. And worse, it could start a fire! We've consulted the experts, and there is a way you can prevent mayhem.
Get out a roll of fishing line, and tie the top of the tree to something sturdy. You can also put a screw in the wall on each side, and tie it there. The string will be almost invisible, preserving your Xmas aesthetic. Cat-proofed, finally!
Make Perfect Holiday Cookies With the Crystal Vase Stamp Method
There's no right way to make a Christmas cookie. We love variety, and whether iced sugar or Gingerbread, it's all tasty. But if you've been looking for a way to take your handiwork to the next level, there are easy ways to make baked goods look professional. Got a vase or a crystal cup lying around? Take a look at the bottom to see if there is a hidden design. There probably is!
Use the open end to make lots of perfect circles. Turn it over to press a design into the cookie. It's quick, and it will look like you bought them. Only we know better!
This Ornament Wreath Really Has That Extra Pop
Wreaths are an underrated part of the Xmas aesthetic. We always talk about trees, but what about their smaller cousin, hung on our doors to greet guests? Typically, a wreath is a single piece of evergreen, fir, or spruce that is tied in a circle and decorated. We like the classic variety. But take a look at this colorful version, made entirely of baubles! How did they do it?
If you want to make one yourself, cut a pool noodle and tie it in a circle. Hot glue ornaments all around it until the base isn't visible. You can pick the color and theme. We trust your taste!
Use an Empty Box for Hidden Gingerbread Support
Making gingerbread houses is a tradition that goes way back. We're pretty sure that even your grandma's grandma was doing it. But now that we've had this much trial and error, it's time to review. What's the best way to put it together? We suggest hiding a snack box inside. The cracker walls could use a little support! Cookies, crackers, or taco shell packing will all do the job.
Using the box as their guide, the kids will make far less mess. It's just a matter of pressing the materials to the cardboard with frosting cement. Real buildings have internal beams, right?
Classic Cranberry Sauce Actually Makes a Great Candle
Some of you are fans and some people are haters. The classic can of cranberry sauce has our nation divided. Is it disgusting, or delightful? Regardless of where you come down on that issue, we have a craft that will light up your room and spread cheer. And smells! All that is needed is red jello, nuts, lemon juice, and cranberry sauce in can form. Combine a package of instant jello with the other ingredients, and put it into extra empty cans.

After it sets, put a wick or a tea light in the middle, and light it. It will be a wonderful way to feel the glow at Christmas dinner. And at the end, it's edible!
This Easy Bauble Storage Is All You Will Ever Need
It's lovely to enjoy a tree with hundreds of ornaments. When it’s time to pack them away, things can get tricky. How can you feel secure that your decor will be intact, for next year's cheer? It's a little too easy to break them, and they're not meant to be disposables. We suggest saving a bunch of egg cartons after you make your holiday nog. The empty spots were literally designed to preserve delicate spheres.
Such a carton reliably keeps eggs from cracking. Make use of it and your baubles will benefit. We wish we knew about this hack sooner, frankly. What have we been doing?
Paper Wrapped Candles Make Fantastic Centerpieces
Candles are a warm touch to the home, all year round. But during the colder months, there's just something extra comforting about having flames illuminate the room. For the holidays, make these easy centerpieces with festive paper and basic jar candles. Neither is expensive, but when combined, you will feel the luxury. Wrap the paper around, and tape it tight. No one will ever guess this stuff is found at the dollar store!
At dinner or near the TV, these are sure to enhance your joy to the world. DIY paper-wrapped candles make a lovely gift, as well. Pair it with homemade cookies and a bottle of bubbly, and you've got yourself a festive basket!
How to Make a Perfect DIY Advent Calendar
The advent calendar is a lovely tradition, most would agree. Counting down in December until the big day makes Christmas even more exciting when it arrives. The concept started with German Lutherans hundreds of years ago. We don't think they used candy to mark each day. But we have a sweet tooth! As an alternative this year, we have a sugar-free way to build the same anticipation. Why not include a good deed in each calendar flap?
You can make a large display for the living room with a string and clothespins. You can also create a cardboard display to keep on the mantle. Either way, an act of kindness each day is sure to spread advent cheer!
Candy Cane Hunting Is the New Xmas Game for Kiddos
Christmas has plenty of tradition already, sure. But how many games did your family play, growing up? It's time to introduce candy cane hunting as a yearly treat. All you need to do is hang them around the backyard and around the house. Tell the players that there is a set number on the property. And let the games begin! The fun is in the challenge, so make sure to find some clever spots.
This is a bit like Easter Egg Hunting, if you think about it. But on Christmas, you can't use eggs. This candy is ideal for hanging, too. Whoever finds the most, wins!
Count Down Eight Nights With Numbered Cookies
Everyone knows that Hanukkah, the festival of lights lasts for eight nights. The Menorah already keeps track of things, by its design. As the holiday goes on, you light an additional Hanukkah candle. But it could be fun to incorporate food into this counting habit. You're already baking cookies, aren't you? Try choosing numbered cookie cutter shapes this time. At night, you light. By day, you eat, one, two, or six.
We know you usually go with dreidel and star shapes. But it's time to have eight crazy cookie batches. They make yummy gifts, for just about anyone. And as a party platter, they're sure to be a hit.
Candy Canes Make Splendid Card Holders at Xmas Dinner
Take a trip down candy cane lane with us, and we promise you will have the very best cardholders this year. For the big dinner, it's nice to add personalized settings. A unique craft is just two materials away, and it has easy assembly. Just take three canes and tie them together with a ribbon. Turn the creation upside down, and it's ready to hold signs. Add names, and your work is done.
This helps direct them to their seat, sure. But there's a bonus: Each diner has a take-home party favor. It's sweet, it's minty, and it's reusable. What's not to love?
These Festive Whipped Cream Shapes Will Be a Hit a on Xmas Morning
Adding whipped cream to coffee or cocoa isn't something we do every day. It's a special touch at Starbucks, perhaps, on a double mocha frappuccino. But around the holidays, we add extra whipped cream to everything. A swirl is always appreciated on Xmas morn. But we have an alternative way to make your drinks cool and creamy. All you need is a set of cookie cutters and a little patience.
Arrange the shapes on a tray, and fill them with topping. Then, freeze them. When you take them out, you can plop a festive shape into a hot drink and watch it dissolve. It's adorable and oh so easy!
These Melted Candy Cane Ornaments Are Easy and Minty
There's more than one way to enjoy a candy cane. But we know you never thought they would be the perfect Xmas ornaments. That's the truth, and we're here to explain exactly how to do it. You need a baking pan, cookie cutters, and an oven. Layer the canes in the shapes and pop them in at 300 degrees. After 15 minutes, mush in the candy canes to fully fill in the space.
Put them in for another ten minutes, and take them out to cool. Later, lift the sides of the cookie-cutter away slightly, and wiggle them out. Don't push down, or they could break. Add some hot glued ribbon, and hang!
Condiment Bottles Are the Best for Cookie Icing Sessions
Frosted sugar cookies are a great family activity and an even better holiday snack. It's a joy to have little trees and bells all December long, in classic Christmas colors. And don't forget about gingerbread men! We all love the finished product, but how can we streamline the process? With condiment bottles, you will be able to make professional-looking designs. Ketchup and mustard aren't the only use, as it turns out.
Fill some empty bottles with colored icing, and use them as needed. It will be easy to draw and decorate, and the mess will be minimal. It's an upgrade, for sure!
Cranberry Garlands Are a Nice Touch in the Whole House
Cranberries are a fruit that grows best in cold climates during fall and early winter. Maybe that's why they became part of the traditional Christmas look! They're red, they delicious, and they're around for the holiday. In Europe and America, these berries are incorporated into our dishes as well as our decor. Try this easy cranberry garland, and get festive fast. All you need is a string, a needle, and some cheerios or popcorn.
Alternate between fruit and carb, and tie the ends. Drape the garland anywhere you like, from the mantle to the dining room. There is no limit, except the length of your string!
Turn Dreidel Into an Adult Hanukkah Drinking Game
Drinking games can make any party livelier. There are the old ones everyone knows from college, sure. But aren't you tired of those? This Hanukkah, try making a classic kids game into an adult activity. Get the dreidel out with a bottle of the hard stuff. set up shot glass around the table. Each time someone spins, an action is taken with alcohol. If you spin Nun, you drink nothing. If you spin Hay, half a shot should be downed.
For Shin, you can select another player to take the shot for you. And for Gimmel, that's a full shot, baby! After a just few rounds, guests will be properly prepared for conversation, all night long.
This Candy Cane Wreath Stands Out on Any Block
Nobody likes a bare door during the holidays. Wreathes bring joy to the neighbors, and we're always looking for new and interesting styles. So far, we've explored evergreen, and we've seen the bauble concept. But what about an edible wreath? This idea uses all your extra candy canes. We know you probably bought a jumbo pack for December. Why not use some of them for craft time with the kids?
Grab some ribbon, pom poms, and trinkets to attach to the canes. Arrange them all in a concentric circle, and tie them together. Hang, and get ready for compliments. Prepare for candy bandits, though!
This Is the Easy Way to Stop Needle Shedding Before It Starts
The best thing about getting a real tree is the fresh scent and the authenticity. The best thing about getting imitation spruce is that there is zero shedding. But do we have to be stuck between these two false choices? If you plan correctly, the natural version doesn't have to leave needles. Experts suggest that you insist on one thing when you check out at the tree lot this year.
Before you drive away, ask the seller to shake the dead needles off. There are bound to be plenty on the verge of falling already. Why let the mess occur at home?
You Can Personalize Holiday Plates in a Flash
Paper plates are a waste, but they sure are convenient. At the holiday meal, it might be tempting to use them. If you're that kind of host, we have a tip for you to get the most fun out of your temporary dinnerware. Get some colorful tape and a contrasting marker for an easy, festive DIY. Stick a piece across a plate or around a cup, and prepare to dazzle at dinner.
You could do this with guest names, for custom seating. Alternatively, you can write Christmas messages, poems, or even riddles to amuse folks. Plates with cheer are better than plates without cheer. Don't you agree?
These Five Minute Christmas Luminaries Are Magical
If you've got old mason jars lying around, we have a Christmas craft for you. Old jelly and pickle jars will work, too. Just take out wherever you have, and fill them with water. To make five-minute luminaries, choose your favorite festive ingredients to float around and glow. We suggest fresh cranberries and real fir clippings. Pop in a tea light candle, and you've got yourself a winner, all winter long!
These easy and magical creations can go anywhere you wish. They are lovely in the bathroom during a bubble bath, or in the dining room during meals. You will wonder why you ever used tealights on their own!
It's Easy to Hang Ornaments From the Chandelier
When it's time to twinkle, ornaments are a big part of the Xmas vibe. Mostly, we hang them from trees. But is there any reason to restrict ourselves? We suggest making use of one more area of the house that's perfect for hanging. Have you noticed how bare your chandelier looks? No more, we say. This year, take some of your magical baubles and attach them from above. Add some garland, too!
We like the look when it uses different heights for hanging. But there are no restrictions here. Be creative, and have a Holly, Jolly Christmas. After all, it's the best time of the year!
Kids and Adults Will All Love This Xmas Grinch Punch
He was mean, and he was green. He hated Xmas. But eventually, the Grinch famously realized that the holiday season was about more than just commercialism. We learned a lot from this Dr. Seuss character, and we want to celebrate him. To do it in the form of punch, you need five ingredients: Lime sherbet, Green Berry Rush Hawaiian Punch, Sprite, pineapple juice, and red sugar sprinkles. The next steps are pretty simple, too.
Mix them all in a bowl, and pour the punch in clear glasses. Wet the rim of the cup and garnish it with red sugar. The aesthetic is totally Grinch. Even he would enjoy this sweet treat!
Use Hot Glue to Make Twinkle Lights Stick to the Brick
Strolling through the neighborhood and enjoying the twinkles is a special experience. For some, it's the most magical aspect of Xmas. But observing others' handiwork and doing it yourself is a completely different game. It can be a big challenge to get lights to stay where you want them to on a brick exterior, for example. The solution is relatively painless, but it involves a hot glue gun. Got one lying around?
If so, squeeze hot glue in the intended spot, and let the string set to the adhesive. This stuff is easy to remove, after the holiday, but it's perfect to keep things secure in the meantime.
Make This Gelt Calendar With a Few Easy Materials
Christmas made advent calendars a season staple. For the Festival of Lights, some crafty folks are trying a version of the concept. Using blue and white streamers, envelopes, and shiny wrapping paper stars, a festive display can be made in a flash. The question is, what goes inside the envelopes? This Hanukkah, try putting your chocolate gelt in one for each night. It will add interactive pizzazz to any room, full stop.
Another option is putting clues in each envelope and asking kids to hunt down the location of the gelt. There's a lot that can be done here, with a little imagination and a love of cocoa.
These Canned Cranberry Sauce Men Will Fool the Kids
The canned cranberry stuff is not the favorite of kids everywhere, that's for sure. Even many adults decline. But try this hack to get around their best efforts to evade it. Get a gingerbread man cookie cutter and go wild. The jelly is solid enough to hold shapes, and you can arrange them on a platter for easy eating. Maybe you can fool them with other outlines, too. Cranberry reindeer, anybody?
It's inexpensive, and it doesn't require you to buy anything new. It's just a slick rebranding, of sorts. Maybe people hate cranberry sauceת, but shapes make everything a little better!
This Balloon Menorah Is a Masterpiece for Any Living Room
Lighting candles is a core part of the Hanukkah rituals. The fire burns bright for eight nights. But what about all day? You probably want something in your living room all 24 hours. We suggest this balloon creation, which any party clown would admire. Get long, colorful balloons, and start blowing. Make sure to get gold or silver for the base, and white and yellow for the lit candle look.
When you have a sufficient number tied off and ready, organize them in rows, and create the form of a menorah, and tie them again. The final project is pretty large. Guests will be telling you 'mazel tov' before you know it!
You Can Color Code the Wrapping Paper By Child
There are many ways to wrap gifts. Some people prefer using old-fashioned newspapers. Others prefer gift bags or colorful wrapping. No matter what you choose, we want to make a suggestion about organizing the final display. When you have multiple recipients, it can cause chaos on Xmas morning. Sometimes, things can get pretty wild and messy. To avoid this altogether, why not color code the boxes or bags? Choose a different theme, according to each child.
One child could get all bags. Or maybe all red. Another could get all prints, or all newspaper and twine. Overall, this trick is sure to make everything run smooth as Santa's sleigh.
These Are Surely the Cutest Cookie Cutter Ornaments
The cost of Xmas goes up every year, it seems. There's tinsel, lights, stockings, and much more on the basic shopping list. And buying a real tree is pretty expensive, too! Some wonder where they can save, in times like these. Well, never fear. We have an idea to make custom, cheap ornaments that you won't mind one bit. You just need yarn and cookie cutters, and little vision for your home.
Wrap the yarn around each cutter, alternating between red and green. Feel free to attach extra trinkets, while you're at it. It will look like it was designed that way when you're all done with the DIY. The truth can stay between us!
Try These Seasonal Scrabble Placements at Your Feast
Scrabble lovers will kick themselves for not thinking of this one before now. But it's truly never too late to get a good craft going. Lettered tiles from the game are perfect for a range of Xmas decorations, including table placements. Spell out the names of guests, and use double-sided tape for a temporary, but firm adhesive to keep things steady at dinner. You can also use the holder to spell out little messages, and set them around the house.
Whether you want to leave a phrase for Santa at his cookie plate or make everyone feel welcome with a personalized seat, this will do the job. Tis the season for Scrabble!
These Straw Stars Are a Simple Hanukkah DIY for All Ages
To keep things interesting for the kids, you need to introduce a new craft, here and there. For Hannukkah, why not try these easy, DIY stars? All you need is 6 drinking straws and some yarn or twisties for each item. Take three straws and make them into a triangle. Fasten them together. Then, make a second triangle, and tie that to the first one. Before you know it, you will have a star.
This project is easy enough for all ages and can be done together for family fun. It will be memorable to decorate the house with these, instead of store-bought stars. You made them!
Your Perfect Xmas Jello Shots Are Tiny Trees
It's not spring break, but you still crave jello shots. We suspect you've just been looking for the perfect holiday recipe, and we have it. To begin: Find a festive mold and a matching jello color. We suggest Christmas trees and lime. Then, add your favorite vodka or liquor to get the party started. For garnish, wait until it's close to serving time. Sprinkle a little water to get coconut flakes to stick nicely, right on top.
Add a tiny little candy star sprinkle on top, too. Even though these are usually swallowed in a heartbeat, friends will pause to admire your handiwork this time. How can they not?
Homemade Candy Cane Stirrers Are Easier Than You Think
Candy canes are a great accessory to any cup of cocoa. But have you thought about jazzing them up? We have, and we're here with the mintiest tips. Grab your favorite chocolates, and melt them in a bowl for dipping. Immerse the ends of the candy canes, and drizzle contrasting chocolate or sprinkles on top. Then, let them hang dry from a cup in the fridge. You'll have fancy canes by tomorrow!
These make a lovely gift or a guilty pleasure just for you and yours. It's a low effort way to bring up the jingle levels. We know we're ready to stir!